Video of the cosmic ray detection. Muon strikes were converted to beautiful sounds and lights for Adelaide Splash Festival. #lca2018 @pschulz01
New life goal for 2018: write a program with “cosmic” in the name. ✨☄️ #lca2018 @pschulz01
If you’ve always wanted to own a cosmic ray detector, this one’s for sale! And it’ll save @pschulz01 having to carry this one back on the plane. 😂 #lca2018
Those light flashes? Cosmic rays (muons) striking the detector in the conference room at UTS. 😳…
@glasnt @freakboy3742 One of my highlights of #lca2017 was giving my knitting talk, meeting Jill, and then realising I’ve actually knitted with her beautiful alpaca!
RT @MatToddChem: Just seen *the most beautiful thing* at #lca2018 from @pschulz01 – field of detectors that chime when hit by cosmic rays.…
RT @metaeaux: My talk from @linuxconfau is up! “If I were a pixel, what would I do?” — if you’ve ever wanted to learn how to easily progra…
Big crowd for @notsolonecoder, who gets my vote for best talk title of #lca2018! 🚌
@jeamland Watch out for hidden cameras. 😂
RT @hannahcancode: .@notsolonecoder finally proves the 370 is the worst bus in Sydney. I knew it. #LCA2018
@ardrigh @yow_conf @SydTechLeaders @exercism_io I have more. I’ll bring a couple extra and keep them on me if you or anybody else wants one! They came direct from @kytrinyx herself. 🙂
RT @nickyringland: Here’s your To Do list, #LCA2018
See for links, or come talk to me, @hogesonline or reach out t…
RT @yow_conf: We are so pleased to announce @yminsky will be joining #ylj18 as a keynote!
After sitting with @jeamland at dinner last night, I knew I had to see his presentation! Always fun when a person is speaking about their pet topic. #lca2018
My #lca2018 socks are coming along nicely! (I didn’t get much knitting done during #artandtech yesterday…)
@ms_mary_mac Yay, thanks! I’m over in Building 11 for the rest of the day. Can I have my partner pick it up, since he’s at the Kernel miniconf?
RT @yow_conf: Did you know we’re always looking for IT/computer engineering students to join our volunteer teams? #ylj18 and #yowdata are n…
@nickyringland @isomer @notsolonecoder True story: for the first five years after I moved to Newtown (and Australia), I referred to it as “the mythical 370.” People kept telling me it existed, but the damn thing would never reliably appear.
@stibbons I would’ve raised my hand! 😉 @dibblego
Unexpected communication issues: translating from Australian! @orieisao didn’t know what @equivalentideas meant by “I reckon…” #lca2018
@auxesis You should submit for ! @voxxedsingapore 🙂
@ms_mary_mac THANK YOU!
@ms_mary_mac Ooh, now I’m really curious what it is!!!!
Have fun at the Penguin dinner, #lca2018! I’m off to @SydTechLeaders…
RT @proginequality: Mary Lee Berners-Lee, mother of inventor of the world wide web Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and a successful computer programm…
Big crowd waiting expectantly for @lightningdb’s talk at @SydTechLeaders! #sydtechleaders
It was really hard in the past to feel part of the tech community and build a personal brand. @lightningdb’s dad ran multiple BBSes! #sydtechleaders
Uhhhhh… If being in 50 meetups is excessive… *wince* #sydtechleaders
A defence of LinkedIn is not what I expected tonight! 😂 @lightningdb #sydtechleaders
@aussielunix @anthonypjshaw @lightningdb @SydTechLeaders I ruined your brand. 😂
Some great practical advice from @lightningdb on building your profile! #sydtechleaders
Engineers can find building a personal brand really awkward. It’s not always about technical excellence at your job. Great disclaimer by @rosepowell. #sydtechleaders
Tweeting during @rosepowell’s talk is difficult because I’m nodding too much. So frank and useful and practical. #sydtechleaders
@darthted @rosepowell
Are you going to be talking to the media as a technical leader? @rosepowell has given an amazing prep checklist! #sydtechleaders
“Don’t tweet drunk.” Good advice for your brand – AND LIFE – from @rosepowell. #sydtechleaders
Unofficial 5th panellist @aussielunix is crushing it! Thanks for your contributions, mate. 👏 #sydtechleaders
Massive thanks to @SiteMinderLife and @msharp for hosting #sydtechleaders tonight! Stunning venue, good food, friendly company. 😊👍
RT @yow_conf: YOW! New Female Voices in Tech is a speaker development program for women in tech and is now open till 18 May 2018!
Be one…
I’m so glad we’ve removed “competition” from the name. It’s not about pitting women against each other; it’s about giving more of us skills to raise our voices in this industry! 👏
@shenmaxiu @glenda_atom I. LOVE. THIS. (Let me tell you about my dream to knit the original DOCOMO emoji into a fairisle sweater…)
@TheRealBnut LOL. Is that a Canva font? (I didn’t create it.) @melissa_loh ??
@melissa_loh @TheRealBnut So really then, Andrew, it’s all *your* fault. 😛
@themaninblue We called it “Touchdown Jesus.”
You asked and I delivered, @SydTechLeaders. My notes and references from tonight’s public speaking talk! (Yep, on LinkedIn. 😉) #sydtechleaders
RT @craigmcphee_au: My favourite takeaway from #sydtechleaders meetup was via @rosepowell – if you’re true to yourself with your brand then…
Last night I dreamt about type expressions for the second time in a week. I thought functional programming wasn’t supposed to have side effects! 😂
@chewxy You’re ruining my joke. 🙃
@craigmcphee_au @SydTechLeaders Glad you enjoyed it! I’m always surprised when stuff I think is obvious turns out not to be. That’s the Imposter Syndrome thing I mentioned in a nutshell!
RT @craigmcphee_au: The bang for your buck award from last nights @SydTechLeaders meetup went to @web_goddess, here are her notes #sydtechl…
Still thinking about @lightningdb’s mention of using GoodReads to build your profile. Such a good idea! Of course, then I’d need to actually finish a book… 🤔
@amberleyjohanna @lightningdb Yeah! He was talking about reviewing the business books that he reads on there.
I think all but one of the #artandtech videos are up, so I’ve created a playlist on YouTube! (I’ll add the last one as soon as it gets published.) #lca2018
RT @littlehelper: “Have you always wanted to become a tech conference speaker? Let 2018 be the year that you make that dream a reality!” ht…