Shared today on Twitter

@philiplaureano 😱 That’s awful!

Ideation circle discussion happening! @gdcfpday

The folks with talk ideas are sharing for feedback before diving in to abstract writing! @gdcfpday

Some folks who signed up at the last minute are working through ideation exercises with @IngaPflaumer! @gdcfpday

Just heard a first conf talk idea from a newbie that is so brilliant I’m jealous I didn’t think of it first! πŸ€— @gdcfpday

Mentor @ButenkoMe is on brand today – there’s a @NodeGirlsSydney coming up! @gdcfpday

SNACK TIME! Thank you @marlousteh and @yow_conf for keeping our carb levels up. πŸ˜‚ @gdcfpday

Time to learn about crafting our bios from Danielle at @womentalkdesign! @gdcfpday

Shhhhhh! No one tell @the_snook. (I have a slight Pretzel Addiction.)

RT @mobywhale: Writing your own bio is hard. Try asking someone else what you should be putting down! @gdcfpday

Feedback from a Sydney @gdcfpday attendee: “Something I learned – that everyone has a talk or ten in them!” β˜ΊοΈβ€οΈπŸ‘

Now this is just ridiculous. Spotted from an upstairs window…

Nah, I just brought a bunch of talented folks together. Amazing mentors, facilitators, and sponsors. ❀️ Special thanks to @SydneyGA for hosting @gdcfpday!

RT @campjs: πŸ“’ The CampJS IX CFP is now open πŸŽ‰
10th-13th Aug in the Gold Coast Hinterlands

Hope to see some of the…

RT @MichelePlayfair: Fantastic way to kick off the weekend with #gdcfpday Melbourne – interesting and passionate bunch of people, there’s g…

@MichelePlayfair Please send them towards @yow_conf’s CFPs! Would love submissions from new folks for YOW Data and Lambda Jam. πŸ˜‰

@dp_lewis Ugh. I tried on FB marketplace recently. It’s just Gumtree all over again.

RT @JessicaYMao: the most important techo entry I’ve ever made

RT @gdcfpday: Looks like everyone in Sydney had a great workshop!

Thank you @web_goddess and team @ReenaRajani @developerjack @lizlingc @B…

RT @gdcfpday: Big thank you to our Sydney workshop sponsors @SydneyGA and @yow_conf!

This workshop wouldn’t have been able to happen witho…

@KieranSatour @gdcfpday @indigitek Happy to run another session for @indigitek if you like!

@daamon_parker Consider how annoying it is for a person to always receive the same personal remark every single time they get in a cab. Read the replies from other Aussies who were questioned about their visa status. It’s not always an innocent question. πŸ™„