Shared today on Twitter

RT @glasnt: Rejection emails are going out for @pycon right now. I’ve spoken there the last two years, but was rejected for all my submissi…

@servantofchaos Given that I once created one that was nothing but covers of “Don’t You Want Me Baby,” I shudder to think what that says about my personality.

Blockchain/cryptocurrency spam is really on the rise, huh? Some idiot spammed everyone in the @fendersperth Slack last night, and now another one is posting on heaps of @Meetup groups. 😐

@RyanBErickson Diane wouldn’t change her name! And Lloyd would never expect her to.

Google “Everyone is awesome!” party. β€οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ€–

Everything *is* awesome. Sunshine, tunes, and deep fried ice cream. 🌞🎢🍨❀️

Being friends with a brewer has its advantages!

Art is happening.


A rare morning meet up for me – Sydney Data Science Breakfast! @atockar kicking things off with “food for thought.”

Hearing from @TomerGarzberg from @GRONADE about factories where the workers work 24-7 with no lights, A/C, or running water. Because they’re robots! πŸ€–

According to the Short Term Automation Susceptibility Index, the first jobs to be automated away involve low skill and low variability. @TomerGarzberg

Interesting range of companies represented on the Sydney Data Science Breakfast panel. @Minervaprojects @kpmgaustralia @GRONADE @VergeLabsAI

Low level jobs in accounting and finance are ripe for automation, says @TomerGarzberg, “but I think we’ll always have senior partners.”

If the only roles for humans are going to be senior roles, how do we train up people for those skills? (Yes, Universal Basic Income has been invoked!) #sydneydata

“When the stock market is down, crypto currencies are down, what do you invest in? Maybe pitchforks.” #sydneydata

“In light of all this talk about automation, what should we, as data scientists, do?” – @atockar
“Existentially?!” – @TomerGarzberg
Many chuckles from the crowd… #sydneydata πŸ˜‚

Wait, was it a full size car or a miniature that just got launched into space? Because if it’s the former – ugh.

@fbz @tcn33 Humans are the worst.

@drkyliesmith The fucking hubris.

@micheinnz Triple ugh.

@MelissaKaulfuss The ego! It boggles the mind.

@afcowie Or, like, something that would have scientific value. Rather than space junk.

@fbz Sorry!! πŸ˜‚

HOLY MOLY. Suddenly crochet is redeemed. (Thanks @chrisgander!!)

I get that firing a car into space makes for some stunning visuals. But I keep thinking about my visit to Kennedy Space Center in 2007. They had an exhibit that was a wall of like 25 TVs each showing a shuttle launch…

They were all synced up so they all launched at the same time. And as each mission reached orbit, the TV would shut off. After a couple minutes, they were all off except one.

And we stood there in front of the Challenger mission video screen, and I teared up. It makes me tear up still. People gave their LIVES for this, to further our understanding of the universe.

And now we’ve turned it into a commercial. It’s just… awful.

At Kennedy we saw the shuttle, had lunch with an astronaut, flew a shuttle simulation, and went on the multi-axis trainer. The only brand I saw all day: Dippin’ Dots.

@afcowie I get that private enterprise is making great strides in this area. That’s great. But what if it were Starbucks launching a payload of coffee cups or Taco Bell sending a bunch of burritos? Or worse – Enron or a mining company or someone like that.

@afcowie That fact that most techies are Tesla and Musk fanboys shouldn’t give the commercialisation of this space a pass.

RT @damncabbage: @web_goddess anyway, probably time for this photo again

@rbtcollins @afcowie Some look at space and see a market opportunity, another way for humans to market new crap to each other. I just think that’s depressing. We’re going to ruin it the way we ruin everything else.

Yes, exactly this.

@darthted Oh god, that must have been… I can’t even come up with a word.