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@minxdragon @lindaliukas It’s towards the end IIRC…

Excellent thread that sums up my thoughts too. ⬇️

@pelagikat Nice one!

RT @nic_hazell: “We don’t have to ‘lower the bar’ in order to be more diverse. Does anyone really believe white men are the only people goo…

Working from the State Library is wonderful most days.And then there are the days when you’re seated near Phlegm Man.

@chrisgander Sorry. If you’re hocking up a lung, you need to be in solitary confinement. Otherwise I will become Puke Woman. 🤢

RT @threequal: @Google is hosting a whole heap of global Women Techmakers summits for International Women’s Day! The #Sydney one is happeni…

I escaped Phlegm Man to a different table at the library. Now I am surrounded by Sleeping Students. 😴

@annie_parker I’d love to talk D&I issues with you sometime, Annie! And also just be jealous of the amazing women Microsoft keeps hiring, like you, @jessfraz, @noopkat, and @caitie. 😊

New Sydney meetup group for women CTOs, CIOs, and tech leaders! Started by the amazing @roisinparkes. A welcome addition to the local tech community…

AWS are running a free webinar Thursday at lunchtime on Cloud9, their new “IDE in the cloud”. Register here if you’re interested!

My first visit to the Cassandra Users Group! Thanks to @TankStreamLabs for hosting.

Excited for tonight’s visiting speaker @rachelpedreschi from @gridgain talking about Apache Ignite!

For many folks, the hardest part of settting up Cassandra in data modelling. It’s a developer-focused database, not a DBA-focused database. @rachelpedreschi

Apache Ignite has flown under the radar to some extent, but it’s growing super fast. 2nd fastest ASF project to graduate after Spark; 3rd most active project. @rachelpedreschi @gridgain

@cckate @annie_parker We do often talk about related topics on the @GGDSydney Slack channel. Happy to invite you to it if you like!

@glasnt Mine has actually played that in the past month, and not as a joke. 😂

Ah, the sweet psychological manipulation of mentioning “You know, it’s pancake day” to your spouse in the afternoon. 🥞❤️

@StokesXandra Yeah, the thrill of that one wears off after 10 years or so, I find. But surprise pancakes? Always good. 🙂

@davidbanham Is that yours?! Someone told me about it recently and I didn’t realise you worked on it. Congrats!!

@juniordev_io Whaaaat? How are you doing this?? Its amazing!!

RT @madecomfytech: Excellent talk from the CSIRO at @yow_conf on how they use Lambda to process genome data at a huge scale.…

I’m sorry Australia; I have to move to the US now for I have found my dream house. It’s like 20min from where I went to high school, and it’s AMAZING, and I am 100% serious.

My actual face while scrolling down that article.

@mjhilton_ It takes up, like, an entire block!

@boyter Who was the eccentric dude in a wheelchair who commissioned this in the middle of nowhere, Michigan?! I mean, besides MY HERO and obviously a Bond villain.

@lyynx Just have to see if my Dad will quit his job to become our full time handyman on the place. 😂

@chrispytweets It’s real, and it’s spectacular.

@kcollasarundell I feel like I’d have to make a lot of those 70’s style dishes involving Jello molds and MEAT.

@lyynx Dammit. Now the price will start going up.

RT @DarcyCarden: not a robot.


@Malarkey It’s a soup tureen that my friend @unlikelylibrary got me for Halloween one year. 🙂

@Mandy_Kerr Well, obviously I’d have a team of robots to clean it, like the eccentric Bond villain that I’d be if I lived there. (Also, it has a central vacuum system!)

@Malarkey @unlikelylibrary I have a surprising amount of pumpkin stuff. I led the charge for Halloween-in-Australia for about a decade there.

Got a reply from Dad about helping fix it up: “Absolutely and you’ve already got a landscaper lined up as well!” (My stepmom’s a landscape designer.) I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER.