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@evanderkoogh πŸ˜‚ Perfection!

RT @yow_conf: Australian web developers owe a huge debt of appreciation to the organisers of @JSConfAU and @cssconfau.

Far too many don’t…

Knitting inspired by Tempestry project, local studies, craftivism and datavisualisation – knitted temperature data visualisation from @ellenforsyth. Beautiful! …and depressing.

@stamfette Husband-wife code reviews are fraught in our house too. Best to be avoided wherever possible.

@i386 Not to take anything away from your anger, but that is some A+ well-written vitriol. Remind me never to piss you off.

@charis Right back at you!

RT @yow_conf: Our FIRST 2018 #yownight in Perth is on March 1 with @eleybourn

Come join us to look at the state of business agility aroun…

Just noticed that the Snook has been adding to our retirement portfolio.

Me: “Oh, I know folks at that company! and that one!”
Him: “Just try not to pick up any material non-public information on your way through the parking lot.” πŸ˜‚

Bonus points if you catch the reference…

@FakeSamRitchie @glasnt Awww, damn. But I rebuilt last year. Otherwise it was pretty much untouched since 2001.

@FakeSamRitchie @glasnt PS I am totally embroidering “Ancient Wizened Web Crone” on a dress for myself.


@FakeSamRitchie @glasnt But yeah, my Roald Dahl website has been running since 1996. The content is still there, even though the code has changed over the years. Grandfather’s axe, and all…

@FakeSamRitchie @glasnt WEARY

@stibbons πŸ˜‰

RT @SREcon: Upcoming #SREcon proposal deadlines abound: 17 Feb (Americas lightning talks); 27 Feb (Americas Diversity Grants); 10 Mar (APAC…

Yes, this. Especially the part about getting boxed in as a one-trick pony. (I’m at the stage where I cringe a little bit when other tech folks make reference to me first and foremost as a knitter.)

@jamiebuilds Now, see, that’s an identity that I’m PROUD TO CLAIM. 😜

Awww, now I feel included too! A man has gone out of his way to scroll through members of a Women Who Code @meetup group to tell me he likes my photo. 😐

@Meetup Hilariously, I’m wearing a lime green Android hoodie with antennae in the photo, specifically chosen as man repellent.

@crankymate I looked up his profile. He claims to be based in the US but is a member of two groups: WWC Singapore and Ladies Muay Thai. So yeah – definitely some creepy fetishisation happening.

@meetup_support Done and done. Thank you!

@jesslynnrose @developerjack TI-86 graphing calculator in high school. I wrote programs to help check test answers and games to avoid boredom. πŸ˜‚

A lovely writeup of the Art + Tech miniconf I organised at @lca2018! Thanks @glasnt! 😍

@minxdragon @metaeaux @maetl @AnimalLogic @chixors @unixbigot @currawongwhsper @stibbons @ADuckIsMyFiend @DrJosh9000