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@maciejwalkowiak @starbuxman This isn’t a very helpful thing to say. You’re not giving new folks any context for the opinion, just slamming a tool. I know what you’re going for, but please reconsider buying in to contempt culture.

I almost wish I hadn’t seen @aurynn’s talk contempt culture last year, because now I see it everywhere and it depresses the hell out of me.

@JM77 You could just command-shift-T to bring it back though?

Such geeks. πŸ˜‚ #drwho @justosophy

Learning about graph traversal from Joshua Yu from @neo4j. Thanks @teamansarada for hosting! #graphdb

TIL that the founder of @neo4j was a big fan of the Matrix. Learning about APOC, a package of 300 awesome user defined procedures on Cypher… #graphdb

@Xavier_Ho Huh, nope! Had brandy and nutmeg on top?!

Learning quite a lot about graph databases. Good demo from Joshua at @neo4j! #graphdb

Heh. For technical questions, Joshua recommends stackoverflow. πŸ˜‚ #graphdb

@FourRedShoes Seen it. Really excellent. πŸ™‚

@knitterjp @evanderkoogh What he said!

@jesstelford @johnallsopp There aren’t many left. @GGDSydney gave up and moved to Meetup, as did FPSyd. Then you’ve just got the more ad hoc events like @webdirections WDYK and @yow_conf Nights.

Weekly Meetup Wrap – February 18, 2018 – three data-focused meetups with talks from @rachelpedreschi, @FPHeld, @orchyluke, @AstroHyde!

@lottejackson Whoa. 😍

@chrisgander @awesomentl @newcastleherald There’s already one in Sydney! Rodd went there on a team outing recently:

@gilmae That’s a good reason. I can think of lots more. That original tweet made me mad, as you can imagine. πŸ™‚

@gilmae I would guess that fully 50% of your tweets are subtweets. πŸ˜‚I’m just annoyed I didn’t catch that one when it happened. Probably better that I didn’t as I was able to let go of my rage.

@inetaborigine @yow_conf @Amys_Kapers @evanderkoogh @samnewman @Mandy_Kerr Hey, I’ll be there from Thursday too! If drinks or lunch or something happen, let me know. πŸ™‚

RT @yow_conf: One of our fave #DataQuality talks from @markhibberd at #yowsg:

Don’t forget to join fellow data pro…

@chrisgander @awesomentl @newcastleherald You’re not allowed to drink while throwing though – that part comes after. Safety first!