Glad to see @canva made it in there. 😂 @themaninblue @crankymate
@deejaygraham No! Thanks – that’s amazing. If/when I ever give my talk again, I’ll have to work that in. 😁
Speaking at #AgileIndia2018 in 90min, and I just STACKED IT, flat on on my face, when trying to find a seat for the keynote. 😂 Many thanks to the 150 polite Indian folks who didn’t laugh!
This is going to be my go-to definition of DevOps going forward. @ghohpe #AgileIndia2018
I’m fine, btw. Floor was carpeted so only my pride was hurt. Just glad I had opted for seat towards the back rather than the front! 😂
How to know if your test coverage is sufficient: would you let @ghohpe change 10 lines of your code at random, knowing if the build stays green it’ll go to prod? 😳 #AgileIndia2018
How traditional corporate dev and ops folks view each other. 😂😂 #AgileIndia2018
@tdpauw I was about to say it feels like promotion for my talk on long running software. He’s preempting all of our talks! 😂
But on the upside, I wore my @yow_conf shirt so everybody knows who I work for, @melissa_loh 😂👍
@minxdragon ❤️❤️👏
How to entice developers to work at your company, even if you’re not Google or a tech unicorn. (Note to all the dudes who ask me how to find women techies: DO ALL OF THIS!) #agileindia2018
RT @allPowerde: @web_goddess @yow_conf @melissa_loh Call for presentation is open until 18 March 😉
And now a quick rundown of this last day of talks at #AgileIndia2018 from @nashjain !
Quick selfie before my talk! #agileindia2018
How to get an audience to like you: bribe them with stickers! #AgileIndia2018
Listening to my new friend Nikhil from @Snapchat talk about chaos engineering. It’s like building up your tolerance for allergens by injecting the thing that bothers you. #AgileIndia2018
There are now a lot of Indian Agile experts with @SydTechLeaders stickers on their laptops. 😂 @darthted @owensenior
Running your chaos experiments on pre-prod or staging doesn’t replace running them on prod; it only supplements it. #AgileIndia2018
RT @jewelbots: Happy #iwd2018 to @likeOMGitsFEDAY, @web_goddess, @SwimmeratOAC, @debraleedavis, Sumi, Ellie, and the rest of our amazing co…
Game Day: a simulated, collaborative drill across a company to test what happens during service failure. We did this at Nine Digital a few years back, and the @9NowAU team did very well IIRC! #AgileIndia2018
Happy to report that my #AgileIndia2018 talk went SO WELL! One attendee said: “My big takeaway is that I should be doing property-based testing.” I did @daveathomas and @jessitron proud. 😁
Ready for @jystewart’s talk on securing “the cloud.” (Love the scare quotes!) 🔐☁️ #AgileIndia2018
Slides from my #agileindia2018 talk “Building Software That Lasts” are now online!
Security is about gaining trust through demonstrating competence. Every breach erodes that trust. Customers have more and more options, and they will leave (even for govt sites). #AgileIndia2018 @jystewart
Hey, there’s my friend and @yow_conf speaker @lady_nerd! 👏 #AgileIndia2018
Why do people fear cloud security more than other practices (like old unpatched Windows PCs)? Because human beings have a bias to fear change, and the cloud is new. #AgileIndia2018 @jystewart
Watching @jystewart battle through a failing laptop battery and then a power outage! So calm. Such a pro. #speakerinspiration #AgileIndia2018
@lady_nerd PS I ❤️ your (new?) avatar. You look like a Boss.
I have to give @tdpauw props for his excellent talk title: “Feature Branching is Evil.” 👏😈 #AgileIndia2018
When working with a team in early 2000s who had never used version control, @tdpauw introduced Subversion and trunk-based development, coupled with CI and unit testing. Easier learning curve than going straight to DVCS, feature branches, and pull requests. #AgileIndia2018
Feature branching hides work from the rest of the team. You’re all working blind. Frequently merging back to master is communicating with your team. #AgileIndia2018 @tdpauw
There’s @davefarley77 again! I suppose hardly unexpected on a day devoted to continuous delivery and DevOps. 😁 #AgileIndia2018 @tdpauw
Teams use long running feature branches to allow them to work in isolation… but that’s optimising for the individual, not the team. Complexity of merging branches will affect your company’s lead time. #AgileIndia2018 @tdpauw
Feature toggles! Done badly they are evil too. You can end up with lots and lots. Yep. Seen that. (I *knew* @tdpauw would mention these…) #AgileIndia2018
Long running feature branches are a symptom. The evil is devs not knowing how to develop in small increments, too coupled code bases, and missing tests. YES. #AgileIndia2018 @tdpauw
@starbuxman @ghohpe Speaker dinner or other? I’m going back to my hotel to change and drop off computer.
Full body deep tissue massage in hotel spa to celebrate a successful presentation? OHHHHYEAHHHH. #treatyoself
@ghohpe @starbuxman Ok. Will meet you back at Taj!
@nashjain Heading back to Taj. Don’t leave without me!