@raena @kattekrab @vmbrasseur @BonnieWildie @glasnt @wiredferret @emmajanehw Hm. As a person with hips, I’ve had it recommended that I sew down pockets that gape open if I don’t like how it looks. Never had fake ones though!
Made it to Singapore. My futuristic hotel bathroom lighting gives me ◾️👁. https://t.co/511AtzBVRY https://t.co/2ZmwMRz8e2
My 4 days in India were beautiful and healthy… but now I’m eating beef, drinking beer, and listening to a dance remix of “High School Musical.” (I ❤️ Singapore.) https://t.co/69SbnYtdCF https://t.co/ShYF8tsv57
@AshKyd @campjs I’d definitely submit a talk – if I hadn’t already! 😜
@AshKyd @campjs You can thank @DeveloperSteve. He nagged me until I submitted just to get him to shut up about it. 😂