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@BonnieWildie And from a pattern too? Well done! I usually have to bring brainless projects. 😂

RT @mulegirl: “Computers aren’t good at inclusion. They’re good at exclusion, because they’re only based on past data. The business opportu…

Handy CV hack for job seekers in the UK, from this MeFi discussion about the stupidity of Applicant Tracking Systems. I suppose in Oz you’d put Sydney Uni or UNSW?

Meet the campaign connecting affluent techies with progressive candidates around the country via @Verge // YES. Will be donating today. (The bit about ESR made me LOL.) ❤️ @Pinboard #bluewave

Spent the morning on a tour of Singapore’s National Gallery. Stunning repurposing and…

RT @stefanamuller: Teaching daughter shell/bash
Me: “always pwd when you forget where you are”
Her: “I wish there was a pwd for life”


@randomknits !!

“It’s like a painting, see? From far away it’s okay, but up close it’s a big ol’ mess.” I caught the last day of the wonderful Century of Light Impressionist exhibition. 😍

@_hhandoko Yep. Was going to email some folks tonight! Speaking at WWC Singapore tomorrow. Any good meet ups on Tuesday?

An art installation where the public is invited to embroider? Don’t mind if I do! ❤️ @ National…

Symmetry. (Almost.)

@_hhandoko Yeah, I’ve been subscribed to the calendar for a while now. It was my inspiration to build something similar for Oz. 😉

@_hhandoko Already done it. About a year ago!

@_hhandoko I didn’t build a site; just a couple of iCal feeds. You can find the details here and subscribe!

@_hhandoko Okay, I’m registered! 🙂

@HANSwerThePhone I LOVE THE TIGER. You bought it, right? ROWR.

@HANSwerThePhone @shanicegarcia To quote Cher, “CarPE diEM. You looked hot in it!”

@Malarkey I used to work with @stueyspence. I’ve got one of his works framed in the living room. ❤️

@shanicegarcia @HANSwerThePhone I have now quoted Cher twice today. God I love that film.

RT @DReinertsen: Thanks! That video was MIA for a while. And thanks to @yow_conf for keeping that content available. It contains a bit of i…

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.