RT @yow_conf: We are an unbiased and independent software dev conference.
Don’t believe us? Check out our new video featuring @nxdnz, @lyn…
Not to mention @ghohpe, @allPowerde, @MelissaKaulfuss, @lindaliukas, @jeffpatton, @davefarley77, @boicy, @thinkingfish, and heaps more! https://t.co/EOj1jyTRVQ
Melbourne folks – anyone know of a craft- or (ugh) makerspace that has programmable embroidery machines? A friend wants to play with one… (@OphelieLechat?)
RT @yow_conf: #yownight with @TacticalGrace tomorrow in Brisbane. Last chance to grab a $10 ticket to join us for an evening of #Functional…
@The_McJones @kbuttfield That’s basically what every Thursday stitch and bitch with @knitterjp and @unlikelylibrary is like.
@The_McJones @kbuttfield @knitterjp @unlikelylibrary I did once knit this and enter it into the Sydney Royal Easter Show. 😈 https://t.co/wVx0pjYsuv
RT @IndigGrapevine: Free community screening for Black & Indigenous Children/Families to see
#BlackPanther at Hoyts BROADWAY.
* Friday,…
@devdevcharlie LOVE this. Have you seen any of @minxdragon’s artwork?
RT @devdevcharlie: Machine Learning + Art 😍
Learning to see – Making deep neural network predictions on live camera input. https://t.co/…