Shared today on Twitter

@DamianM @Alegrya @GeoffreyHuntley Come on, that one’s a month old! The knitting community’s already been all over it. πŸ˜›

@drzax I’m keen to hear these answers too.

RT @drzax: Please send me your ‘this is the best office chair in existence’ hot takes. Seriously. #lazyweb

RT @yow_conf: We’re so pleased to welcome back @simplemach as our COMMUNITY GOLD sponsor for #yowdata, #ylj18, #yowperth, #YOWConnected, #Y…

Meetup Wrap – March 18, 2018 – a big ol’ catch up post featuring lots of events across Perth, Bangalore, and Singapore! I gave some talks too. πŸ™‚

@codepo8 Come on, get me over to Europe! Work your magic! πŸ™‚

Whoa! Broadway got a board games shop!

@codepo8 I’m not as ginger anymore. I’ve been letting it revert back to my natural colouring, like a feral animal. πŸ˜‚

RT @juniordev_io: It’s @Amys_Kapers giving us the low down on CSS Grid here at #CodeandTell at @Zendesk πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ Another of the Perth @fendersper…

Don’t forget, Brisbane – tomorrow night is the final stop in @TacticalGrace’s Magical FP YOW! Night tour! And we’re even sending @jedws along with him. (You’re welcome.) There’s still time to get a ticket! ✨ (Thanks @battlepanda_au for the photos!)

@TacticalGrace @Paul_Bone @jedws @battlepanda_au @diz_beth We’ve got video! Just holding it until all the stops are finished. πŸ‘

@trannosaurusma @TacticalGrace @jedws @battlepanda_au Oh, the Flickr album has SO MANY good ones. I just picked those 4 at random! I think Manuel possibly beats me at “best facial expressions while presenting.” πŸ™‚

@jgrb @TacticalGrace @jedws @battlepanda_au @yow_conf It definitely will!

@developerjack @Jonwestenberg How do you get them off? Do you have a favourite de-goo-ifier?

@KenScambler @trannosaurusma @TacticalGrace @jedws @battlepanda_au Does the FP community have a Slack somewhere? He really needs to be an emoji.

@developerjack @annie_parker @lyft We do! I’ve been enjoying trying out @Taxify_AU and @Olacabs though – more competition in the local market is better for everybody.