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This happened ages ago though, right? I remember hearing @unixbigot talk about it in a tech talk like a a year ago.

RT @johnallsopp: This by @jessitron is a drop everything and go read it now, particularly for developers of any level…

RT @pjf: InfoSec folks: I can use speculative execution of machine-code to invalidate cache-lines and use that side-channel to establish an…

RT @CitSciOz_VIC: 😮”Citizen Data Science has potential to enable students to make scientific discoveries… & engage with technology on a w…

RT @OKFNau: @lindamciver of @DataSciAu speaking at @yow_conf in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne this week about how Citizen Data Science can…

@Cuff_S Ha! Somebody suggested my talk to him in the comments. 🙂

@rbanks54 Hey Richard – I’ve got one on giving better tech talks. Maybe some inspiration for more folks to step up as speakers in the future? Happy to do it if you don’t get any other volunteers.

@rbanks54 Ah, fair enough! No worries.

RT @rbanks54: Looking for one more talk for Sydney AltNet next week. We’ve got one on Blazor. Happy for the second talk to be on pretty muc…

RT @roisinmcmahon: Drowning in data woes? @lindamciver has answers to your problems 💻👩🏼‍🎓 I’ve got my ticket for her Brisbane talk tonight…

RT @DeathWishCoffee: If you can’t handle me at my before-coffee, you don’t deserve me at my after-coffee.

@carbocommander NPP? All I get is “New Payments Platform.”

@carbocommander YOU DOWN WITH NPP? YEAH YOU KNOW ME! 🙌