RT @webconf_asia: Did you see we have added some wonderful sponsors? Welcome @github, @registryasia, @mozilla and @yow_conf!
Without these…
RT @AngelaBellM: The @RMIT #FashionRevolutionWeek challenge winner. To quote from the student – “This design depicts the hands of a women g…
RT @philnash: I got to take a look at some cool data from Rollbar and write up a monster post, so here’s the top 10 errors from 1000+ Rails…
@philnash Nice work! 👏
Massive crowd takes their seats as @FPHeld kicks off @DataScienceSyd! #datasciencesyd https://t.co/foJx2wB4CY
Tim Garnsey from @VergeLabsAI is speaking about a particularly gnarly data migration problem. Coincidentally he’s speaking at #yowdata next month! @TimGarnsey @DataScienceSyd #datasciencesyd https://t.co/NtsAYAXC0h
Generative Adversarial Networks can now create plausible humans who have never existed. So why not, @TimGarnsey says, use them to generate fake data sets for dev and testing? #datasciencesyd @DataScienceSyd https://t.co/JiHHPFtmQ8
@starbuxman @pivotal Saw some of your Sydney colleagues wearing shirts commemorating the event today! ❤️
@starbuxman @pivotal EXACTLY THAT!!
8bit has arrived in Sydney! So new it isn’t in Instagram’s locations yet. 🍔🌭🍟 https://t.co/o9rMcSxC4a https://t.co/WrEUYESD1e
@stibbons In Darling Harbour! Down past the ICC – sort of opposite the Pumphouse, there’s a fancy new food strip in there. Also has Belle’s Hot Chicken.
RT @ThisIsJoFrank: Schrodinger’s impostor syndrome: Everyone is smarter than me and I know nothing AND everyone is gullable fools and I’ve…