Shared today on Twitter

@minxdragon That “the world has no right to my heart” bit… that’s when I start to cry, every single time. (Did I mention that @chixors has knitted me a Hamilton blanket on her amazing hacked machine? ❤️ I’ll show it to you next week!)

@soxyface I’m not sure if it’s live for the public – may have just been a faked up demo. It was def using Hangouts

RT @yow_conf: Our Perth Ambassador @Amys_Kapers sat down with @stringy to talk about her experiences in our New Voices in Tech Speaker Trai…

@kouky Congrats Kouky!

RT @freesewing_org: Network graph of our repository. Showing how the great work of our translation team is flowing…

@chadfowler @robqnm @SydTechLeaders @owensenior @darthted Interested in functional programming at all? We’ve got a few special people speaking in Sydney!

@chadfowler @robqnm @SydTechLeaders @owensenior @darthted Unfortunately the next @SydTechLeaders is scheduled for the 17th – week too soon!