Victoria – I am in you! (@ Melbourne Airport – @melair in Tullamarine, VIC)
@Paul_Bone @Melair @linuxusersvic WHAT! I did my degree in theater! Unfortunately I’ve already got dinner plans tonight so I can’t make it. Looks like a fantastic event though…
@Paul_Bone @Melair @linuxusersvic @chixors Yes – I’m meeting up with @chixors tomorrow and will be featuring some of her knitting as part of my VoxxedDays talk 😄 – small world indeed!
Ahhh, SkyBus. I applaud your cheapness while I shake my head at your crap “free Wi-Fi.” And really, I suppose they’re related.
@gilmae I didn’t expect you to go to the trouble of sourcing it! 😂
@gilmae Still tempted though. Would need to replace all our furniture.
@yow_conf @Erdbeervogel @eleybourn Well, but also, it’s actually TOMORROW night in Melbourne! (I hope – I’m meant to be hosting it.) 😂
@Erdbeervogel @yow_conf @eleybourn We’ll try and arrange a recording when he does it in Sydney in a few weeks!
RT @dddsydney: @ggdsydney @NodeGirlsSydney @RailsGirls_SYD @SydCSS We’re holding a free workshop for people wanting to get into presenting…