Shared today on Twitter

@softprops @meetup_support Just API keys:

@gilmae @jonoabroad As of next week, you can do whatever the hell you want. 😉

@jonoabroad @vonconrad @SafetyCultureHQ It will! But won’t be put up until he finishes the other cities – so a few weeks yet.

I think this is my first time seeing @GRobilliard speaking at a meetup rather than just hosting! A big birthday prompted a career pivot… #ggdsyd

. @GRobilliard got input from LOTS of folks in her career rethink. Reach out to your network – they have lots of useful insights! #ggdsyd

Looking to try something new? There are lots of things you can try! @NodeGirlsSydney @SydneyGA @GGDSydney #ggdsyd

Interesting tactic to get nice questions – show a photo of your beautiful pupper! #ggdsyd @GRobilliard

Personal projects are important because – for better or worse – hiring managers and recruiters still love to see them. (@Sebbenbear rightly points out how odd that is.) #ggdsyd

“Starting is easy. Finishing is hard.” @Sebbenbear speaks the truth about side projects. (This is why I mainly practice Talk Driven Development these days.) #ggdsyd

Yayyyy! My old colleague @aine_h from @Sitback is hiring. You should go work with her. 👍 #ggdsyd

To my knowledge, my first ever coding demo after six years of speaking at @GGDSydney! #ggdsyd

RT @ManuelaDavo: So, today at #ggdsyd I’ve learnt:(1) Pivot is a good book to add to my reading list, (2) you can use React to plan when’s…

Every time someone comments on how much I travel, I laugh and think of @starbuxman. (Godspeed, my friend!)

RT @netflix: Some fans have noticed that Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown was scheduled to come off Netflix US on June 16. As of today, we’v…