RT @joselynhughes: god bless amy poehler https://t.co/5tcLN9mckH
Excellent thread. I knew about Etsy’s three-armed knitted sweater, but I hadn’t heard the actual story before… https://t.co/jMm3Gt8LOc
RT @yow_conf: 🚨 Our #YOWPER workshop registrations are now live! 🚨
Whether you’re interested into Product Ownership, architecting enterpr…
RT @HillaryClinton: But my emails. https://t.co/G7TIWDEG0p
Current mood. 🎵💃 https://t.co/cP2dQXRPly
@fbz Ooh, I’ll give it a go once I’m done dancing!
Finally seeing some influence of @WeWork on @meetup… Interesting! (Now how about increasing the rate limits on the API? 😂) https://t.co/H8t3wFMYij
WTF Google ads. Why are stupid Bitcoin ads being shown on my site for kids? I had disabled all the inappropriate ad categories… I guess this is a new one. 🙄 https://t.co/A6i0qviVwR
@starbuxman Should’ve come to my @voxxedsingapore talk and you could’ve heard the whole 22 year saga of it! 🙂
As Friday afternoons go, I’ve had worse. https://t.co/6U6wkTI1e7 https://t.co/rWOmm3UD5K
The cat is out of the bag! Last day at YOW! 😭 Blog post: New adventures… https://t.co/CEIJ6qG6yP https://t.co/WqTQvRM2HG
RT @MichelePlayfair: What’s more fun than an escaped cat? Two cats! I’m excited to be joining YOW! as Executive Director on July 9. 😊 https…
RT @MichelePlayfair: Nobody can replace the amazing @web_goddess but I can promise to carry on the selfie tradition. Cheers! https://t.co/8…
@MichelePlayfair Um, can you take all my selfies forever? Because this is one of the BEST photos of me!!
Gudetama enjoys the Vivid Festival, but wishes… https://t.co/fCd1Ya2T64
Celebrating with some awesome folks! @marlousteh @babyimhungryy @darthted1 https://t.co/gokSAcromR https://t.co/smmMlJ7Q9g
RT @marlousteh: A picture says a thousand words.. Happy and sad at the same time.. But I can’t be selfish so I’ll choose to be happy for yo…
Me: I dreamed my tooth cracked and crumbled and fell out. What do you think that means?
The Snook: You think you’re losing power, agency, or influence.
@secretGeek I definitely do that, but I’ve worn a mouth guard for years. So it’s not new