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Join us at AWS Innovate Online Conference 2018 on the 19th of July, 2018. With over 50+ business and technical sessions, this conference is designed for executives and IT professionals to connect, collaborate, and learn how to build on AWS.

@glenngillen I was gonna edit it to sound more like me, but I can’t be bothered after three days of having my brain smushed. 😂

@evanderkoogh @glenngillen Whaddaya mean? (she says polishing off another cup of Kool-Aid…)

@crankymate Just seeing who’s paying attention… 😂 (I got to inspire some jealousy yesterday showing off my @canva patch!)

RT @liedra: Newtown Firies know what’s up

Important laptop sticker decision time. I think I’m going to leave it quite minimal for now…

@keranm From @sailorhg! 💜

@diversionary Was there any interest in speaking at @SydTechLeaders? We’re finalising lineup..,

@glenngillen At my first Women@Amazon event, and there’s your name on the committee slide. ❤️