RT @waxpancake: Google Reader shut down five years ago today, and I’m still kind of pissed about it.
@minxdragon Yes indeed! I could send you one, but I bet @frconil could find you a local source faster… 😉
Today’s #bepeculiar adventure: a full day of new hire orientation! Excited to meet all my fellow new Amazonians. 😁
It’s been a while since I baked. Was inspired to create some truly OTT American Compost Cookies for the 4th of July! 🇺🇸🍪 https://t.co/tsL9VBXOLx https://t.co/scp5t9eo5C
Protip: when you update your lambda function code, YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY DEPLOY IT IN ORDER FOR IT TO WORK. *smacks forehead*
@MichelePlayfair https://t.co/V0xiQq3czb
@MichelePlayfair Oh wait. That’s not the recipe I use. 🤔
@MichelePlayfair I used this one: https://t.co/VNk68nD1EZ
I have 79 LinkedIn connection requests with no message to give me any context about where I met them. 😭 People, if you want to connect, LEAVE A NOTE. https://t.co/eBVOfPvgUZ
Yes to all of this. (Especially the socks!) 🧦❤️ https://t.co/2AnJWro4Xi
@mootpointer Like I wouldn’t recognise the guy with THE BEST SPEAKER PHOTO EVER.
@Amys_Kapers It ALL went in the cookies.
@boyter Okay, I am still pretty new to serverless, so please explain that bit a little more!
@twistieman Nope – you didn’t hit the connect button! But it’s cool – Imma do it. 🙂
@boyter Ahhh, I see. Luckily I was fixing mine about 12 hours after it had failed and timed out. 🙂
List: 17 Real-Life Would-You-Rathers I, a Woman, Have Had to Ask Myself – https://t.co/hcWmQ7Vyln – @mcsweeneys killing it again with the “I laugh so that I don’t weep” content.
Annoying part of having a 9-5 office job that I totally forgot about: picking a different outfit every single morning. Ugh.
@jonoabroad Pants, every damn day. 😒
@Taco_Lad @jonoabroad More socially acceptable for dudes. Still – considering it!