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RT @unixbigot: This year the “YOW! Connected” conference in Melbourne is ALL about the Internet of Things. The call for presentations is…

@lindamciver @sauramaia @FCTweedie @datakid23 Well, when I burnt out I went to manage a knitting shop. Small family owned business where I fit in, where my tech skills were appreciated, where I got to interact with customers and help them solve problems, where I didn’t stress about keeping up with every new thing.

@diversionary Hm. @the_snook and I do the NYT crossword every night. 😐 Are you guys *sure* you’re not related?

@lindamciver @sauramaia @FCTweedie @datakid23 The only problem is that it was physically a lot harder and it paid a lot worse. Only went back to tech because we got a mortgage.

Dear Blockchain Rando: No, I don’t want you to LinkedIn message me with an “update” on your tech that I didn’t request. On the upside, hey, I get to remove a connection!

@mobywhale @hannahyanfield WTF does “slelegant” mean?! 😂

@richbuggy I have *zero* AWS shirts. HOW CAN THIS BE. @KimAcostaSYD – you are missing a mega marketing opportunity here. 😜

RT @sailorhg: tuesday night doodles 🐙🦑🦀🐠🐟🐬🐚

@imdominating No time for love, Dr. Jones!

(I concur.)

@hannahyanfield @mobywhale 🤔 Imma need to sit with that one a while.

@unixbigot @LukeSleeman Did I ever tell you how I caught my husband’s eye because I was reading slashdot in 1999? 😂

@busbub I mostly ever see that view from meetups when it’s dark at night. It’s stunning during the day!

@darthted You can smell the serenity. (Enjoy it – you deserve it!)

RT @push_conf: Where are the Ladies that UX & Design? Join the Call for Speakers! At the moment the men are leading submission numbers 2:1,…