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Dammit, winter breeeze! You just ruined my lovely salon blowout! 💨😫

This junky boat has been sitting in this exact spot on Wilson St. for literally 6+ years. I always wonder why @cityofsydney hasn’t towed it away…

@Rellarc79 As someone who would like to donate but can’t, thank you!

RT @knittymag: This is shocking behaviour from the new owners of Diamond Yarns. I share so that other LYSs and yarn companies know what DY…

@levelsconf @seekjobs Yayyyy, I see @shelleglee! 👋

RT @gray: The new Stabilo adverts are perfect.

RT @paddypower: FAN DENIAL: Every time Russia scored at this World Cup we donated to LGBT+ causes. Some people on the internet got mad. #Ra…

How did I not know there was going to be a knitting emoji??! ❤️ @glasnt @KnitGuildNSW

@mattallen @cityofsydney I think it’s been abandoned. At what point does a ranger notice that it hasn’t moved in half a decade?!

RT @freshtonic: Straya as fuck

@purnimakamath @coderkungfu @vbhvsgr Heading back to Singapore on Monday for the week! 😱

@purnimakamath @coderkungfu @vbhvsgr Will be in training every day, the whole time. Might be free on Tuesday or Thursday evening, but I reckon that’s about it. (I’ll also be back two weeks later for the week of the 23rd! 😳)

@lostumbrellas @diversionary @mobywhale @msharp Induction cooktop, I’m guessing. Although I didn’t realise “Death Star” was a current trend in kitchen style! 😂

After 6 long years, our Meyer lemon tree finally bore fruit!

@coderkungfu @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr @JuniorDevSG Will be flying back Friday night so I’ll miss it. 😕