Shared today on Twitter

Thank you @googledownunder for today’s Doodle. As a newer Australian, I’d never learned about Mum Shirl before. What an amazing person!

OH EXCELLENT. @TweetDeck now supports image descriptions for accessibility! 👏

Fascinating. Listening to latest ep of @nbcthegoodplace podcast, and writers’ process is 14 ppl each with monitors but only one keyboard. It’s basically #mobprogramming! @WoodyZuill

@FakeSamRitchie @unixbigot Nice job!!

@FakeSamRitchie @unixbigot I am confused by the pallets.

RT @fred_guttenberg: Since July 4th, I have received many tweets from the gun lobby accusing me of exploiting Jaime. Below are two picture…

@lynnlangit Just realised you’re coming out for NDC! If you’ve got an evening free, let me know. Would love to take you to dinner to thank you for your advice. 🙂

Another winter harvest from Farmer Snook: ginger!!

@Malarkey @johnallsopp Stop trying to make fetch happen, you two.

RT @ChiefScientist: I want a badge on software “made by middle-aged people with kids who’ve been around the block a few dozen times” https:…

@lynnlangit @allPowerde WHAAAAAAAAAT. Okay, definitely many get-togethers in our future over that time!

@FakeSamRitchie @AndyDentPerth @unixbigot That’s why I sew. Much quicker return on investment!

RT @FizzySodaWave: I’m in actual tears from laughing so hard at this post

Best. Idea. EVER.

@johnbarton Famous women sea captains and/or pirates!!