Shared today on Twitter

@bloodyquantum That doesn’t work so great when it’s a calendar application. Time zones need to be baked in. 🙁

@drwitty_knitter Third time this morning. 🙂

YESSSS! Nice one, @notsolonecoder!

RT @zrail: @web_goddess I literally own but haven’t done anything with it. Too much time spent dealing with them.

RT @awscloud: Debug & deploy your serverless applications from the AWS Cloud9 IDE. Uploading your code takes just a few minutes: https://t.…

1000 likes and still climbing. Clearly, we need to lobby the United Nations about timezones.

@GlowinskiRafal Three or four times. 🙂

@mmastertheone Heh. I found it a month ago and cleaned them out! Got every different one. 😂❤️

@busbub 👋👋👋

@gilmae Bonus points if you wear it Thursday!

Me: “So what happens if you have a cron job scheduled and then daylight savings happens?” 🤔

The Snook: “It doesn’t run! ASK ME HOW I KNOW!!” 😡

@ArnaudEsteve Doesn’t work for calendar apps that need time zone support built in.

@porteneuve Coincidentally, it was a calendar app that prompted the rant. 😂

@PithyOnion About 8 times in the replies so far…

RT @awscloud: Connect with & learn from prominent members of the #AWSCommunity. Meet the first Serverless Heroes and Container Heroes! http…

@moralez It’s in the replies about 10 times. 😂

TFW you rant about time zones as a way to exorcise them from your soul only to have it go viral and people keep tweeting you helpful tips about time zones two days later. 😕

Another job description going around the @GGDSydney Slack today. Companies – don’t do this. Women notice. We remember. (I can’t even imagine a real person of any gender who’d want to work in this place…)

@warkolm @GGDSydney I do think they were right on the money with the assumption that it will appeal most to dudes living in their Mom’s basement.

I adore high-tech, beautiful futuristic fashion. This is *amazing*.

@neil_killick Well played, sir. Well played. 👏

@emma_n_robbins @GGDSydney Right? Ugh.

Oh, and by the way? The company is in Sydney. This is happening *here*.

@damncabbage I wonder if they pay referrals with, like, slabs of beer.

RT @Sarklor: Me: [trying to reach the top shelf]

Elon Musk: I’ll save you! with my patented rocket-powered-

Me: nah it’s fine I got a sto…

@thepanta82 @tobyhede @GGDSydney Right, but this comes across less “unique office culture” and more “no smelly girls or wimps.” 🙄

@Simon_Lucy @bloodyquantum I can’t tweak the display, as I’m publishing a calendar file. I need to specify the time zone of the event. I also have to deal with dates coming from third parties.