RT @sgtjanedoe: Mainstream society: Needle crafts are boring. The only people who do them are out-of-touch grandmothers.
Actual crafters:…
@fjmorales @crankymate @GGDSydney Right? It doesn’t even sound very Australian, with the “Mom” and the Starbucks. It’s like they copied and pasted it from the worst Silicon Valley douchebros.
RT @aburke626: The italicized text is NOT added satire, folks, this is a real af job description. I cannot. I just can’t. Burn it all down.…
@Illdrinn @GGDSydney As a GGD emeritus, we’d love to have you! Will send an invitation. 🙂
RT @AWSCloudANZ: Hear about the hottest developer topics in cloud computing, by getting hands-on training with DevLabs & catch live demos a…
This is happening in just two days! Still time to register… https://t.co/uLQXxnAmOK
@cathyblabla That poor woman has had me shoved into her mentions like 10 times now. 😂 But thank you…
@roisinparkes @Illdrinn @GGDSydney I thought you were in there! I’ll add you. 🙂
@bodil Ohhhh! Say hello for me. 👋
@bodil ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you!!
RT @DebGroarke: This thread makes a strong case that the Queen of England is a master at passive aggressive broach wearing to make a point…
@___leigh___ @MelissaKaulfuss @GGDSydney Done!