Shared today on Twitter

Anybody else trying to buy Harry Potter and the Cursed Child ticket? Only 28K people in the queue ahead of me. 😐

@Sam_McCosh Same. You’re still way ahead of me!

@tonilehelena @HPPlayAUS GAHHH. Lucky. I’ve still got 28K in front of me in the queue.

@Paul_Bone @diz_beth I suspect the chances of there being tickets left by the time I get my turn are next to 0.

RT @gilmae: @web_goddess The head of an online ticketing queue is where Voldemort hid his _real_ last horcrux.

@DizzyMissRuby Yeah.

Down to < 8K…

@diz_beth @Paul_Bone Just under 2K…

RT @damncabbage: Hello! I’m looking to move on from my current gig.
If anyone is looking for someone with a mix of experience with Haskell,…

I GOT MY CURSED CHILD TICKETS! But holy crap cheap seats were gone. That was a dent in the credit card.

@twelveeyes @KatieBarnett_5 Not sure. Ours ended up being about $150 per show. 😬

@Sam_McCosh I did!! After 90 minutes of waiting. 😂

@minxdragon Damn. Yeah, the tickets I got were $150 each. Justified it as getting the date closest to my birthday.

@randomknits Which day? We’re going on March 13th!!

@mobywhale @soxyface @LookaheadSearch WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAAAT?! Biggest and best news ever. ❤️ @soxyface ❤️ @LookaheadSearch 😍

@soxyface @mobywhale @LookaheadSearch @hannahyanfield Besties with my bestie? I’d be jealous except I ❤️ you both so much!

When I learned about “the tyranny of structurelessness” a couple years back, it was like a lightbulb turning on. Yep, this. So much of this is true.

Looking to support a good cause? My friend @madelgiles is raising money for the UN Women Australia’s Trek for Rights in Fiji. You should support her!

It’s my best friend’s birthday, and I gave him my cold. 😢❤️ (I also baked him a cheesecake too.)

RT @minxdragon: Oh! That’s me! I had such a great time doing this interview, I hope you enjoy 😊
I talk about my upcoming works here and ge…

@minxdragon Lovely interview, my friend! ❤️

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.