We’re like the Pink Ladies, but cooler. (Thanks @jpofoz!) #craftygirlgang @_gadgetgirl_ https://t.co/NELo5XxHBW https://t.co/dCnJyyhG6j
RT @awscloud: Copies of your Amazon RDS database snapshots between AWS Regions are now incremental for encrypted databases, allowing copies…
A: Having friends is a lot of *work*.
B: Yeah, that’s why I gave up on that shit.
Gudetama is reluctantly visiting Knitters Guild. @knittersguildnsw https://t.co/OHQzVBbaG9 https://t.co/3AwRut6oOP
Maple Bacon Blini. Worth leaving the house for! https://t.co/YxIC33kxer https://t.co/qjDft7Wqgk
RT @SydTechLeaders: The SydTechLeaders Slack channel is now open! You can request an invitation here: https://t.co/XdqWUvIiPB. As with all…
@shenmaxiu Thanks! Fairly recent one, in fact. 😂
RT @awscloud: How to choose the right purpose-built database for each job: https://t.co/WLWKsI6tVP https://t.co/nlTBfpzx0d
@starbuxman LOVE. IT.
RT @starbuxman: It’s here it’s here I love this shirt https://t.co/PjfW8g2DYr
I AM A TECHNOLOGY GODDESS. 😻 https://t.co/XL5kaJ1Cmi
@carnivorous8008 Sadly, no. I have had to invent my own, and it’s still pretty dumb. (Blog post forthcoming.)
@amitchell01 @carnivorous8008 My husband wants one of those. We had a LitterMate when they first came out (lugged one all the way from the US as a piece of luggage!) but our cats hated it.
Blog post: IoT all the things! 💥 In which I use an @awscloud IoT button to create an automated litterbox reminder. 🙀💩 (Thanks @frankarr for the button!) https://t.co/a8Lhkmh6YA https://t.co/ALyhAvlWSE
@frconil The rule of thumb is actually n+1. We have two cats, but only 2 litter boxes instead of 3.
@elegantpoem @awscloud @frankarr The post is linked right there! 😂
Dad has done it again. He just texted me photos of his latest barbecue invention: RON’S PIZZA BOMB. 😂🍕💣 Ready? https://t.co/tHOBwMxP47
Step 1: “Pepperoni onions ham red pepper garlic sautéed in olive oil” (Incidentally, their stove is vintage and ADORABLE. It’s from the 60s and it’s blue with chunky buttons. I love it.) https://t.co/fzcoenEI8X
Step 2: “2 pounds sausage rolled out 1/2 inch thick”. I think you can see where this is going. 🍕💣 https://t.co/Sx50zSOSQ2
Step 3: “Put all ingredients on sausage along with pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese” 🍕💣 https://t.co/AFGZ5RhY5d
Step 4: “Roll up and wrap with bacon. I passed on doing a weave” Skipping his signature bacon weave?? 😱🍕💣 https://t.co/akXxdQ85mf
Step 5: “Put on smoker.” He appears to have fastened the bacon with toothpicks… 🍕💣 https://t.co/MbIKVGTtjY
Step 6: “2 1/2 hrs later today it’s done. And the payoff… MONEY” 🍕💣 https://t.co/WUgqVwfd5b
Clearly he needs to write a meat-based cookbook.
And I didn’t even tell you the best part: he lives on BONER LAKE. Not kidding. The book title possibilities are endless, right?!
@MkHeck Middle of nowhere Indiana!