Shared today on Twitter

@mobywhale @webdirections I’ll be there with @the_snook! πŸ‘‹

Nice crowd of all my fave people as @johnallsopp kicks off @webdirections #wdyk

First speaker is @msharp on why bees are awesome. (I love this already!) #wdyk @webdirections 🐝🐝🐝🐝

Learning about native bee sexual habits from @msharp.

@MikeRiethmuller: β€œWhat does this have to do with tech?”
Me: β€œShut up! It’s awesome!”

πŸ˜‚πŸβ€οΈ #wdyk @webdirections

@MikeRiethmuller @msharp @webdirections Bee cool you dorks.

Now @damncabbage is talking about compilers… and video games, maybe? 😁 #wdyk

@MikeRiethmuller @msharp @webdirections Oh, honey. 😬

Heh. @rioter on the difficulties facing remote workers. It’s not all twirling on a mountainside. πŸ˜‚ #wdyk

Happy birthday to @200okpublic, who is celebrating with a talk that appears to be an extended Trainspotting rant. πŸ˜‚ #wdyk

@NickyWill100 I do. She’s a friend as she spoke at my Art + Tech miniconf last year. @chixors – you’re on SBS!!

RT @datachick: Male speakers: when you see the speaker line up and everyone looks like you, privately contact the event organizers and ask…