@minxdragon 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Healthy welcome home lunch courtesy of the Snook. ❤️ https://t.co/2y4e5Lb9B5 https://t.co/hdxi7NRzP9
@carnivorous8008 Tuna! Fresh from the fish market.
#frocktober 13: Sugar Glider Dress, brought to you by shapewear and @dangerfieldclothing. 😂 Going to a party! https://t.co/ijBSQfthNG https://t.co/B7upMuzsA6
Holy crap. Every party should have a Paella Man. 😳 https://t.co/E3PKYOJBgg https://t.co/tq1WF37Wlu
RT @smolrobots: 39) Namebot. Hovers over your shoulder at social functions and remembers the name of everyone you meet for future reference…
My husband just sent me a link to hot young Dr. Karl. HE GETS ME. https://t.co/O5PhkkO2du https://t.co/TB00aw8RtV