Shared today on Twitter

RT @PeirceJohanna: Great to be at my first #sydtechleaders @Qantas tonight discussing mental health #health #mentalhealth #wellness #techno…

RT @SydTechLeaders: Kicking off our special #sydtechleaders focused on Mental Health. Thank you to everyone who trekked out to Mascot! http…

Already great discussion as @sarahsez invites us to debate this quote from @matthaig1. It definitely feels like the stigma about discussion mental health issues is lessening. #sydtechleaders #mentalhealthmonth2018

RT @SydTechLeaders: “I’m going to really plug the importance of emotional intelligence, because I feel in the tech industry like we need mo…

RT @SydTechLeaders: Our first lightning talk is @rioter reprising his talk on what life is like for a remote worker. “It wasn’t written as…

Depression, anxiety, and loneliness are more prevalent in remote workers. There are ways you can get help. #sydtechleaders @rioter

RT @PeirceJohanna: Awesome talk Jared! #sydtechleaders #mentalhealth #Wellbeing

RT @GRobilliard: Working remotely can negatively impact mental health. Separate your work from your personal, leave your house & seek help.…

The average ROI for money invested in mental health initiatives for the tech industry is 4.2x. Jaws are dropping. #sydtechleaders #mentalhealthmonth2018 @unlikelylibrary

As a leader, confessing to stress and burnout feels challenging and makes you feel vulnerable. @owensenior being incredibly brave sharing his story with us. #sydtechleaders #mentalhealthmonth2018

RT @brettporter: Impressive honesty and authenticity from all of the speakers at #sydtechleaders on mental health, stress and burnout. Real…

RT @bennollo: Hearing from vulnerable Tech Leaders who believe in guarding their and their people’s Mental Health. +1
#sydtechleaders @SydT…

@darthted @SydTechLeaders @owensenior It. 👏 Was. 👏 So. 👏 Good! 👏👏👏

The Darkness Into Light dawn walk/run to raise awareness for suicide and self-harm that was mentioned at #sydtechleaders tonight happens in Sydney in May! #mentalhealthmonth2018

#frocktober 18: new @rue21official dress, @welovecolors tights, and Oxfords. #elevatorselfie 💜

@stringy I has to pin it shut a bit. Designed for a shorter, bustier gal!

RT @georgiecel: Thanks for having me #sydtechleaders 🧡 Opening up about mental health is definitely more difficult verbally compared to wri…

Who’s going to be at AWS Community Day today? It’s the first one in Australia! #awscommunity #tightsonbrand

Nice crowd gathering at AWS Community Day! Folks enjoying hands-on labs, Alexa and DeepLens demos, and having lots of great networking conversations. #awscommunity

The esteemed Rodos is kicking things off and name checking some of the excellent community groups here in Sydney. Love seeing @GGDSydney and #shehacks up there! #awscommunity

Don’t forget to head upstairs to collect your swag and talk to the excellent folks at @PolarSeven_com and @GorillaStack! #awscommunity

RT @AWSonAir: Checkout the demos at our #AWSCommunity Day Australia! What are you building on @awscloud ?

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.