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RT @lindamciver: Need a last minute Christmas idea? Want to support Data Science Education? Have a very Data Science Christmas at https://t…

@whereistanya @jonoabroad @JeffreyTheobald Thank you!! The Melbourne tech community is so great. ❤️

RT @soxyface: Look who started a podcast with a big Irish 👍!!! Thanks @evolvable and @web_goddess for the opportunity to do even MOHR talki…

AWS Dev Warriors kicking off with Nickk giving a re:Invent recap!

So Google must have automated ways of adhering to suppression orders in various countries, right? Here’s the thing – why can’t I use that as a personal setting to NEVER see Pinterest in my search results ever again?! 🔥

Earworm Report: “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” has been replaced by the theme to “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power,” which is a much happier situation. WE MUST BE STRONG! 🦄🌈

This is really happening, folks.

“Do I look cool or like a big dork?” I asked the Snook. He considered and answered brightly, “BOTH!” 😂

@simonwaight But it *is* the day of the Christmas party…

@simonwaight LOL. I should photoshop it later so @jeffbarr knows what he looks like in an AWS dress…

@samjarman That would’ve been GENIUS! But alas, I did not think of it. Next year. 🙂

RT @farbodsaraf: .@vgcerf: ‘I didn’t invent the web’

@timberners_lee: ‘I didn’t invent the internet’

(Photo via @AndiMann) #OurDigitalFut…

Opened up the latest @WomenWhoCode email to see my friends from @Wwcodesingapore at the top! 👋