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RT @MWatsonSYD1: What a start to the year for @MSFTReactor Sydney hosting the @SydTechLeaders for their 1st Meetup of the Year. Looking for…

RT @mobywhale: . @AllSchuckUp asked the audience “Who here works in a distributed team” and quite a few people put their hands up! More tha…

RT @SydTechLeaders: Groaning as @AllSchuckUp shares some common frustrations with remote working – waiting overnight for code reviews, coll…

RT @SydTechLeaders: Language matters. “Distributed office” is a more inclusive term than “remote office.” @AllSchuckUp #sydtechleaders http…

RT @SydTechLeaders: OMG!! 😱

Oh god. “Providing way too much context when asking for help.” This is a thing that has been increasingly annoying me. JUST SPIT IT OUT. WHAT IS THE REQUEST. #sydtechleaders

THAT’S RIGHT – able to run the microphone around for Q&A and do the social media at. the. same. time. 🏃‍♀️ #sydtechleaders

@melindafentonsm @SydTechLeaders Admittedly never as well as I’d like.

RT @rachaelcarson: What is necessary for distributed teams is good for colocated teams. Share information by default, use proactive written…

Our SCOBY is floating! It’s finally doing something!

@gilmae Sometimes I like to lean into the stereotype.

RT @BugHunterSam: @SydTechLeaders @AllSchuckUp @canva Shout out to @InsightTimer, Australia’s contender for the meditation app space