@ItsUnderstood @neil_killick @akalsey @lara_hogan @johannarothman @CGLambdin @johncutlefish @lissijean @flowchainsensei @RonJeffries @marcusoftnet @EightyOneUnite @NativeWired @estherderby @StokesXandra @bea73 @SalFreudenberg @ElizAyer @EverydayKanban @GeePawHill @drunkcod @t_magennis @TheresaNeate @troytuttle Agree – that just made my day! Thanks @neil_killick. 😃
@Gaohmee Ooh, which one did you get? We want one but are paralyzed by indecision so we just got a Dyson cordless for now.
I suppose I’m lucky in that I don’t get pestered by a ton of creepers online. But it’s never zero, not for any woman. 😠 https://t.co/XGXzPTczAf
@lindamciver I was gonna just block this guy straight away. Not sure what made me accept and give him the benefit of the doubt. 😕
As a person of Korean heritage, I object to this pre-credits teaser. As a person with ears, I object to this shitty song. https://t.co/g9C1bPHh0E
This is the worst effect in any Bond movie. “This is like Sharknado level of CGI. What the hell was that?!” https://t.co/M2az8gzeL9
“Is this guy meant to be menacing? He’s wearing a f**king Nintendo Power Glove!” https://t.co/4fqMJgHrrQ
@TheRealBnut *crying*
I take it back. The shitty Madonna theme song is, in fact, the best part of this movie.
@Amys_Kapers We are finally up to the Daniel Craig years, so things are looking up!
@dcotterill @MichelePlayfair I’m guessing Fight Club.
@the_patima What??! That’s amazing!! Congrats – such a perfect fit for you. ❤️❤️
@GlennSarti @Amys_Kapers We just finished Die Another Day.
My favourite part of Die Another Day was when the Snook announced his theory that Rosamund Pike was actually a genetically-modified North Korean torture lady. 😂
@unixbigot I started looking forward to those the second the credits rolled…