Shared today on Twitter

@MsJonesInSydney @darthted @moosey96 @kirstinferguson @JaneCaro @devdevcharlie @adblanche @charrett @roisinparkes Someone starts another one of these threads just about every month, and my replies get unusable. I love the idea behind it; I just wish people would search rather than starting a new one every time. 😂 Now to figure out how to mute the thread…

@darthted Nah, it’s a lovely idea and I’m just a curmudgeon today.

@darthted The branch you jumped on only has 8 ppl on it. It’s the one with 40+ that’s really blown up.

I had so much fun as a guest on the AWS Sydney Summit Live stream last year, it’s kind of unreal to think I’ll be on it this year as a host! If you’re not attending the Summit in person, sign up here to follow along live next week:

RT @stephanpastis:

Don’t forget – free AWS Developer Night at Sydney Summit next week with @adrianco, @kneekey23, @Damo_F, @sunilmallya and more! Register here: You could even win a ticket to @yow_conf…

We’re at pub trivia. “This D word refers to the sum of money a bride’s family pays to her prospective husband.” An older lady near us yelled out, “DISGRACEFUL!” 😂👏💯

@annie_parker I told the quizmaster I supported a bonus point for her. 😂

People, we are TIED FOR THE LEAD.

Hm. I think the second round let us down. Victory chances diminishing.

We lost, which I’m okay with. And team who named themselves “Joey Trivviani”? GENIUS.