Shared today on Twitter

@thisismywww Cheers!

RT @darthted: Just a friendly reminder, if you signed up to go to @SydTechLeaders tomorrow night, and can no longer make it, please update…

Here we go again: Get random “Goodday to you my new friend” @Meetup message from a dude I don’t recognise. Click on profile. See that he’s joined a bunch of women in tech groups, presumably to meet ladies. Reply telling him not to do that, then hit the block button. 😡

I’m having a Berenstein Bears moment. Did my iPhone *always* say “aeroplane mode” instead of “airplane”?! I swear that’s new.

@The_McJones I believe you… but I’d also swear that my phone said Airplane before. Maybe it’s jet lag. OR THERE’S A GLITCH IN THE MATRIX.

@The_McJones (I see what you did there.) Nope! I just checked whether changing time zone would do it, but that doesn’t seem to affect. I did do an iOS update yesterday though… 🤨

@nolim1t What region is yours set to?

RT @VPestilenZ: Quality website design 👌😄

Single lady shopping cart: cat food, salad for one, cottage cheese.

@nolim1t What region? Mine is Australia.

@evanderkoogh Working in NYC for a few more days. He sent me a view out his office window today. 🙃

@meetup_support I’m fine with simply blocking them. It’s more that this keeps happening, and I’m not sure what you can do about it. It’s just depressing.

@frankarr I love it, Frank! Awesome post. 👏

RT @frankarr: 500 (aka D) days

Since I now find myself in the Bizarro Aeroplane World, I figured I’d lean into it and part my hair on the other side to show off The Streak.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.