@thisismywww Cheers!
RT @darthted: Just a friendly reminder, if you signed up to go to @SydTechLeaders tomorrow night, and can no longer make it, please update…
Here we go again: Get random “Goodday to you my new friend” @Meetup message from a dude I don’t recognise. Click on profile. See that he’s joined a bunch of women in tech groups, presumably to meet ladies. Reply telling him not to do that, then hit the block button. 😡 https://t.co/c8pCLvK6GY
I’m having a Berenstein Bears moment. Did my iPhone *always* say “aeroplane mode” instead of “airplane”?! I swear that’s new. https://t.co/tkspBavWcD
@The_McJones I believe you… but I’d also swear that my phone said Airplane before. Maybe it’s jet lag. OR THERE’S A GLITCH IN THE MATRIX.
@The_McJones (I see what you did there.) Nope! I just checked whether changing time zone would do it, but that doesn’t seem to affect. I did do an iOS update yesterday though… 🤨
@nolim1t What region is yours set to?
RT @VPestilenZ: Quality website design 👌😄 https://t.co/fZPLPDgMlz
Single lady shopping cart: cat food, salad for one, cottage cheese. https://t.co/t27wgLAm4k
@nolim1t What region? Mine is Australia. https://t.co/880LKKdAjf
@evanderkoogh Working in NYC for a few more days. He sent me a view out his office window today. 🙃 https://t.co/gQ2pJlDqTP
@meetup_support I’m fine with simply blocking them. It’s more that this keeps happening, and I’m not sure what you can do about it. It’s just depressing.
@frankarr I love it, Frank! Awesome post. 👏
RT @frankarr: 500 (aka D) days https://t.co/9reaJAIr7Q https://t.co/P4CXp3oIXb
Since I now find myself in the Bizarro Aeroplane World, I figured I’d lean into it and part my hair on the other side to show off The Streak. https://t.co/cHILM7yXTA