@parisba @The_McJones Ooh fun. Is it dynamic? Can you scroll messages??
The new Good Omens adaptation is very very good, but it’s sent me down a Crowley/Aziraphale fanfic spiral that has consumed my life. So consider yourself warned.
@lostumbrellas 😍
@mmastertheone I just went and tracked down that article. 😍👏
@knitterjp @unlikelylibrary @randomknits Aww, cute! Sure! (I really need to decide which bag to put my pins on.)
RT @womensart1: Psychiatrist Dr Karen Norberg, of National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, spent a year knitting/c…
RT @LindaSuePark: Dear makers of women’s clothing, Pants pockets should be like poetry: DEEP ENOUGH TO BE MEANINGFUL.
@MichelePlayfair Yeah, I tried that a few months back. Turned it off again real damn quick. 🙁
RT @xahteiwi: Flat organizations are just like open-plan offices: everyone tries them, and then eventually you realize that they’re pretty…
@JM77 I literally saw that on the home screen last night and skipped over it, thinking it was indeed about GoT.