RT @maciejwalkowiak: Micromanagement kills engagement. Lack of engagement kills productivity. Low productivity makes people micromanage eve…
RT @mechanicalrock_: We’re proud to be partnering with @AWS for this year’s #AWSInitiate in Perth! Make sure you find us at our #Mechanical…
@chrisgander Happy birthday Goose!
Can someone who knows more about typography tell me why I viscerally dislike the “SWEET F.A.” text so much? Is it the kerning? I just know I hate it. @themaninblue @diversionary @poppiepack https://t.co/mrQADOUaXq
RT @mmastertheone: @web_goddess I know nothing about typography but that is a damn ugly W
@fbz Australianism. “Sweet fuck all.” Though what that has to do with iced coffee is beyond me. 🤷♀️
RT @apocraphilia: @web_goddess @themaninblue @diversionary @poppiepack There’s something about the way that ‘W’ squats, square and graceles…
I feel entirely justified in my hatred of that text. Thanks, Internet! ❤️
Men, a bit of advice: when you reach out to a woman on LinkedIn about a job, don’t immediately follow her on every social platform. She’s gonna find that slightly creepy.