At #unswideas Women and the Internet lecture. Hasn’t even really started and I have a new life goal to join a “cyber-feminist collective.” ✊
For a lot of women, the World Wide Web felt like home… until it didn’t. #unswideas @TheUniverse #broadbandbook
RT @GingerGorman: What if the values of caring and representation were baked into current platforms, asks @TheUniverse @UNSW #unswideas @UN…
Here for stories of margarita drinkers unimpressed by Tim Berners-Lee and satirical doo-wop groups dancing around Cray supercomputers. #unswideas @TheUniverse
I. Love. This. #unswideas
Now the panel – five amazing women including @TheUniverse, @GingerGorman, @natashamitchell, and more. 😍 #unswideas
Straight to the top of the To Read pile – though I expect it’s going to enrage me. #unswideas @TheUniverse #broadbandbook
RT @castkr: There is a misconception today that technology is for, and has always been dominated by men. Women have always been there. The…
“Do women build technology in a different way, because of their socialisation?” Yes. I’ve seen that. Interesting to hear panelist tie back to emotional labour. Too bad “caring” is not rewarded by the market. #UNSWideas @natashamitchell
Huh. @TheUniverse says it’s human nature to expect any new technology to be utopian and solve all our problems. But I think I’ve turned into a cynic… because I definitely don’t. Not anymore. It all goes wrong. #UNSWideas
“What do I say when young women ask me what the percentage of women is like in the industry?”
“With you, it’ll be one more.”
There are three right here. ❤️✊ @unlikelylibrary @kcarruthers #UNSWideas
@Reidyd Ah, we only got there right before it began so we were in the back!