@brettporter Pffft. Amateur. Real webmonkeys like me used “s.gif” because it had fewer characters, and we actually cared about keeping page weight as light as possible back then. š
Hong Kong protesters join hands in 30-mile human chain https://t.co/el1bxvR5RN – Not gonna lie – this one made me tear up a bit. What a beautiful image. š¢ā¤ļø
RT @DJJudd: On dealing w/ Trump, Pete Buttigieg tells supporters in Nashua, “Dealing with insults is not a problem. I grew up in Indiana, Iā¦
Less than two weeks to YOW! Perth! I’ll be there talking about serverless and sharing my journey building a serverless meetup calendar application. Hope to see you there. (And hey, you can use YOWKRIS19 to get 20% off your ticket!) @yow_conf #yowperth19 https://t.co/xedgy7JhYZ
I understood all of them except the Fruit Salad one. The Snook and I managed to puzzle it out. One of the perks of being childfree, I guess. https://t.co/mNzBElrAaq