“If you’re in a startup and don’t know what ITIL is, this is a good time to get a cup of coffee.” 😂 @botchagalupe #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/2HpRmfgaiQ
“Count the number of Review Boards you have and multiply by HOW MUCH YOU SUCK.” 😂😂😂 @botchagalupe #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/670tvWRUlV
Next up is @markangrish from ANZ talking about how to be customer-centric, even in a big bank. Do you even know who your customer is? #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/htWQgr6fIo
Next up is @AnthonyRees from @chef talking about “The Coded Enterprise”. He and the Chef team earned my love today by offering curvy cut t-shirts in an actual COLOUR! 👏👏 #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/9OLi5p2vx2
@mattstratton @AnthonyRees @chef They also have an NES at the booth! and let me play it! and were very kind when they later told me I had to share with others! 😂
Next speaker is Carmel Hinks from @Atlassian, talking about an iterative approach to metrics and dashboards. Love that she started preso with an overview of a particular problem space for context! #dotc19 #dotc (Also, “Sherlock Holmes (DevOps Advocate” 👏😂) https://t.co/SXftUNVfXV
Carmel says @Atlassian didn’t invent TechOps, but they found it super helpful to iterate on operational health. #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/3Vjuy2VnbQ
Next up is my colleague Brandon Grenier from @awscloud and Yuri Belenky from @NAB talking about Continuous Governance. Again, emphasis on expressing things in code, lots of automation. DevGovOps? 🤔 #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/1vNXMYtyaN
RT @chloedorosario: mind = blown 🤯 https://t.co/FOII70wxa0
RT @DenWarg24: For 10-11 Sep Sydney has become a home for all things DevOps in ANZ and APAC and Fastlane Solutions are proud to be a sponso…
Final talk is @Hatchman76 from @seek helping us learn from incidents. Some interesting numbers: 160 AWS accounts (“about 150 more than we need, truthfully”) and 1000+ deployments a month. #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/JAY9uOs6rq
@Hatchman76 @seek Or was it a year? Still a big improvement over where they were!
“We are not building cars at @seekjobs,” @Hatchman76 says. Root Cause Analysis doesn’t work well on complex systems, because you’ll overlook possibly quite a lot of the contributing factors. #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/ebDZNWaqF1
RT @MeCookieMonster: Me just took a DNA test turns out me 100% cookies…
Day 2 keynote is @nellshamrell, who starts off with a thoughtful and welcome thank you to all the folks who make events like this possible. 👏👏👏 #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/G61f13sxS1
. @nellshamrell is giving us a whirlwind overview of best practices in open source governance at scale. Useful automation tools in your arsenal are templates, linters, and CI/CD pipelines. #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/Vhr1qLV7hC
@AnthonyRees @DevOpsTalks @nathenharvey ☺️❤️
RT @AnthonyRees: These 3 people make @DevOpsTalks great 👍
@nathenharvey @web_goddess https://t.co/dAVDovcW3M
So impressed and proud of @nellshamrell for bravely sharing her burnout story with the @DevOpsTalks community. “It is not possible to push through burnout and come out the other side okay!” More folks need to hear this message! #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/h3agX5TPhP
To capture knowledge from super busy folks who are critical to your project/company, consider a simple screen recording! Good idea. @nellshamrell #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/W9j1RTEfVt
Next talk is @auscharwood talking about mental health, EQ, and performant leadership. “Social media is bullshit. Constant smiling is not high performance.” WELL SAID. 👏 #dotc19 #dotc https://t.co/FOlz2ix2bn