RT @darthted: One more sleep until @SydTechLeaders Sept meet up, the YOW! Perth Reprise. Still a few slots available. https://t.co/kdXnASW…
Trying to figure out how many folks are actually using my Aussie Meetup Calendars. According to Amazon CloudFront, there were 386 requests yesterday. But these are for subscriptions in calendaring apps, so who knows how often those apps refresh… 🤷♀️ https://t.co/cPr80bo3gv
I would’ve thought that apps like Google Calendar would cache the same URL for multiple people, but I can’t find any documentation of whether that’s true or how often Google Calendar refreshes. 🤔 So maybe the real total is higher, I guess.
@_neozenith Oh nice! Here’s mine: https://t.co/jm7Zj3HWkV . Hmm, looking at the Newwwie one, you’re using v2 APIs. They’ve been deprecated – you’ll need to update. 🙁
@_neozenith I could add Newcastle… Lemme try it and see what it looks like. 🙂
@_neozenith Try this out in your calendar app of choice: https://t.co/Iq3Z1MGFBV
RT @Cary_Elwes: There’s a shortage of perfect movies in this world. It would be a pity to damage this one. https://t.co/5N8Q3P2e5G
@emd3737 I’m all about those spicy memes. 😂
@_neozenith They’re also removing API keys and forcing OAuth, so hopefully you’ve got that covered too… 🙁
@msharp After knitting my own Bokaclava and entering it in the Easter Show, I have nothing to prove. 😈 https://t.co/j0lnZtV1eE
@dalanmiller They’re listed on the Github repo! 🙂 https://t.co/jm7Zj3qltn
I LOLed. 😂 https://t.co/dbMWCxfDJV
@DamonOehlman @msharp Well it would help if I could find the damned thing. Maybe I gave it to someone. Or maybe it’s demonic and slunk off in the night. At any rate, it’s on my Ravelry page. 🙂 https://t.co/9Op91HpJjY
@philnash @sydjs WHAT? How’d I miss this?? (Who am I kidding. Would I actually brave the rainy ickiness, even for Phil? 🤔 )
LOL. Another one for my @SydTechLeaders Techtivus rant deck… https://t.co/QO3Pt5dN2Z