Shared today on Twitter

@malamentary @kingdomofwench No, just the four basic stitches in the blog post for now! But thank you.

@LiviuC_PhD Nah, very few of us actually go over for it! No plans for me. 🙂

@randolph5of5 Haha, I’m not a big fan of lace so I’m encoding that bias in my algorithm. 😂

Nice full crowd for tonight’s Sydney Data Engineering Meetup at AWS! @petehanssens always puts on a good event. 👏

I kind of want to knit a jumper with every single one of these. Right after I do the one with the original DoCoMo emoji…

Next up is Najah talking about Open District for Elasticsearch…

Final speaker is Chris Horder telling us about stream processing in 2019…

When to use SQS vs Kinesis vs MSK vs Kafka on EC2. This is helpful!

@DieEineLms @gruenzeug Thank you!! ❤️

RT @Amys_Kapers: #Frocktober day 4 and when you have a chance to get your face on a dress you have to take it!
Shout out to @kristysachse a…

@Amys_Kapers @kristysachse @GrombleTromble WHY DON’T I HAVE A DRESS WITH MY FACE ON IT 🤔