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An Oral History of ‘Snake’ on Nokia | MEL Magazine – This is relevant to my interests. 🐍 via @HecateApp

@serdar @GGDSydney Not even in Australia. 🤷‍♀️

@philnash One ticket, please!

Me: Next up is the saddest, prettiest song in the world…

The Snook: The Whitlams?

Me: Of course.

#wednesdaynightmood 🍷🎵😢

RT @PennySharpemlc: Final vote. NSW Abortion Law Reform Bill passes 26-14 the @nsw_upperhouse . 119 years in the making. Decades of feminis…

@the_patima Charlie you’re not my Charlie anymore, you’re screwing it up…

@Paul_Bone If you don’t believe me, I don’t believe in you…

@the_patima It’s so beautiful and so so sad. 😭

RT @MehreenFaruqi: The NSW upper house has voted to decriminalise abortion!

After years of campaigning and hard work from so many, abortio…

@Paul_Bone I prefer No. 2

@Paul_Bone @diz_beth Yup, No. 2 😁

RT @allPowerde: The ever energetic and super-smart @web_goddess at #cloudstrategy19 , a fellow “Trusted advisor” encouraging AU companies a…

Excited for today’s Cloud Strategy Summit in Pyrmont. Some fantastic folks in the audience and on the agenda! #cloudstrategy19 (👋 @allPowerde!!)