Shared today on Twitter

I’m taking the year off #frocktober, but I’m still supporting! Please consider donating to @ocrfaustralia through my friend @Amys_Kapers ๐Ÿ‘—

RT @Amys_Kapers: Well it’s that time of year again, it’s #Frocktober day 1

For those just tuning in, for the next month I’ll be wearing onโ€ฆ

@truckerfling @johnallsopp I ran it for Sydney in 2018, and @IngaPflaumer ran it in 2019. There were organisers in several other AU cities as well.

@mootpointer If you don’t make mistakes, you never learn how to fix them! Bring your knitting to the next STL and I’ll show you how to pick them up. ๐Ÿ™‚

@Amys_Kapers @mootpointer Just zoom in on a bit that doesn’t show them!

RT @womensart1: Orly Genger, contemporary US, NY based sculptor known for her large scale crocheted and knitted outdoor installations #womeโ€ฆ

@jamescmcpherson @SoniaCuff Brilliant – thank you!

Wondering if I can get a signal boost from @JanelleCShane? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m gonna need a lot more images!

I’m only 70 images, so really hoping that some of these folks retweeting will actually contribute!

@mikeforbes @ravelry Yep. Already posted in both Loose Ends (on the Big Six) and Australian Knitters. ๐Ÿ™‚

@DuchessFounder @JanelleCShane Yep. Already posted in both Loose Ends (on the Big Six) and Australian Knitters. ๐Ÿ™‚

@sauramaia …I don’t get it? Goal is to train a neural network to reverse engineer knitting patterns from a photo of finished work.

@minxdragon Thank you!

@minxdragon @sauramaia Yeah… most photos are going to be whole garment, so I don’t think resolution will be high enough. And I was hoping that by enlisting knitters I could get images that would require less cleanup after. (I’m still going to need help from folks to label.)

@minxdragon @sauramaia You’re way more experienced with this than me! I’m trying to make this MVP as simple and likely to succeed as possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

@sauramaia @minxdragon First two are good, I think. The one where shawl is rumpled… not sure. I’ll say no on the wristwarmer – having it on the body makes it difficult and it looks ribbed?

@KrysaliaH I am a very long time Rav member and already shared there about 8 hours ago. Not seeing a lot of response yet.

@randomknits Garter/stockinette/moss/seed for now please!

Since a few folks have asked – yes, it’s already been posted on @ravelry. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@minxdragon I actually hooked the email address up to a lambda that saves the image straight into S3, so I was hoping that people emailing me images would also save me the trouble having to save them and reupload myself!

@KrysaliaH No crochet right now, thanks. The blog post ( has exactly what I’m after.

Yep, also exploring scanning/scraping from stitch guides too. Email processing pipeline was just the first approach!

@sauramaia @minxdragon Would you be able to email them? I spent all Sunday setting up pipeline from email straight through to S3 so I don’t have to download/reupload hundreds of photos!

@yoyohanna No lace!! If you click the link in the tweet, it goes to blog post with what I”m after. Literally just starting with stocking stitch, garter, seed, and moss.

@sauramaia @minxdragon Phew, thank you. My greatest fear is a viral thread of people sending me photos and I have to scrape them all. ๐Ÿ˜‚ (PS one of those looks ribbed. I’m skipping ribbing for now. Just garter, stocking, moss, and seed)

@minxdragon Only if itโ€™s included in the filename. Iโ€™m planning to set up Amazon Ground Truth and recruiting some volunteers to help me label.

@minxdragon Sagemaker Ground Truth, that is

@yoyohanna Thank you!

@randomknits ๐Ÿ™Œ

@randomknits PS expect to get unlisted as a labelling volunteer too. ๐Ÿ˜›

@randomknits Was meant to say โ€œenlisted,โ€ of course. Donโ€™t you want to get on the good side of our future AI Knitting Computer Robot overlords?

@ceibner That works! Can you please drop in an email to I have a processing pipeline set up ๐Ÿ˜‰

@ceibner Thank you my dear!!

Currently up to 113 images! Not bad for the first day…

RT @randomknits: Got knitting? @krishoward is collecting images of stockinette, garter, moss and seed stitch for a machine learning projectโ€ฆ

@DataRenee Really excellent point!

@RobMurrish I thought about it, and synthetic data has been used to augment training data for other attempts. Iโ€™m keeping it in my back pocket as a fallback if I donโ€™t get enough real samples.

@stringy Wooooo! Please. ๐Ÿ™‚

PLEASE click and read the blog post about the types of images Iโ€™m after before sending! Whole garment photos arenโ€™t really useful at this point, and Iโ€™m only after basic stitches.

@JanelleCShane Thanks! A friend pointed me to that paper a while back. I’m sure there are other people working on the same thing. I’m not a researcher; this is just a funny little passion project to learn about ML so I’m starting small to see what I can learn!

@doridoidea That’s absolutely amazing – thank you for sharing! I will definitely see if I can augment with your photos and cite your work if I do.

@JacobsThorin @GalaxyKate That’s correct – just those to start with.

@mackles01 I got some advice from an expert last week who suggested I leave them in colour for now. He also gave advice on how I could twiddle the colours to potentially create more training data. So “as is” to start!

@karinslegers @katta_spiel Thank you!

Woke up to a lot of replies and notifications that I’d received a lot more emailed photos! Currently up to about 200. Most helpfully, @JanelleCShane and @doridoidea pointed me to some existing data sets I can use to augment the one I’m building! ๐Ÿ˜

@betsybookworm Having a BIG Twitter name is such a good idea! I wish more of them did it. ๐Ÿ™‚

@phoebegoh At this point, the tech talk I’ll give about this project is going to be 80% cleaning up the data. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I mean, I kinda knew based on what I’d read of other ML projects, but this really brings it home…

RT @JimMFelton: VidEo GaMes DoNT LeAd To VioLenCe

@frostickle @darkhorse166 I don’t know who you-know-who is, but the callout is also on Ravelry if they’re there. ๐Ÿ™‚

@amberhimesmatz @DuchessFounder @JanelleCShane I thought about it, but most photos there are of completed articles. Rarely do folks bother to take high-res images of particular stitch patterns, unless they’re tricky or weird (which I’m excluding from this MVP). I also figure people contributing sidesteps permission issue.

RT @mipsytipsy: Btw, if you have any interest whatsoever in observability-driven development, engineering culture, or how functional teamsโ€ฆ

@mipsytipsy My favourite part is all the spot puns. ๐Ÿ˜œ