RT @bekathwia: Never thought I’d see a mashup between 3D printing and Perler beads, but now I have (via @PenolopyBulnick). https://t.co/6jF…
RT @quenblackwell: Christian Bale and his son WHO Bale???? https://t.co/KxjPoKHIHr
Maybe some day I will grow out of pathetically trying to impress crappy men in tech who don’t deserve my time. I mean, it has to happen eventually, right?
@joneaves I know, and that just makes it worse because I can watch myself doing it in real time and it’s like WHYYYYY. But thank you. 🙂
What’s that Petey? What are you carrying on about?
Oh. 🙀🕷 https://t.co/jvov6tvqxf
RT @BuildStuffLT: Dear attendees, we present even more #speakers to upcoming #BuildStuffConf!
🔥Domininkas Virbickas
@KenScambler @LukeSleeman Thanks guys. Actually doing quite well – just had a frustrating interaction with a condescending person that annoyed me. I’m shaking it off. 😉
“Tie it loose, please. I’m going for sort of a Hermione-meets-Serena van der Woodsen vibe…” https://t.co/2ANZvSKJwV https://t.co/jJK007JbId
Yes, I know I’m wearing a Slytherin Quidditch shirt. It’s my boyfriend’s. (It’s also possible I’ve read way too much fan fiction.)
@gilmae Nah, was referring more to the plethora of Hermione/Draco, tbh.
@gilmae Although for the record, I don’t ship it. I am one of the few Hermione/Ron apologists.
RT @mspricklefinger: TBH I’m less upset by the Leunig cartoon and more upset by the number of men explaining to women on here why it’s not…
Still life: “Halloween Vanitas.” Celebrating the transience of life, the certainty of death, and the tasty, tasty messiness of black iced doughnuts. https://t.co/vLBXXOhh34 https://t.co/Yh9RiVT9w9
@minxdragon I’m a Gryffindor married to a Slytherin. 🙂