Fortunately remembered to do a search on @ravelry before I started reverse engineering Chris Evans’s Knives Out sweater and found that @_Caryn_S has already started! (Caryn – let me know if you want help!!)
I made some Aussies’ heads explode at Christmas lunch when I confidently answered “peach baskets” to a trivia question about the history of basketball. Turns out not everybody knows that. 😂🏀
RT @unixbigot: You: An aspiring front-end dev living in .au interested in a short summer project helping to flesh out an IoT-related mobile…
@lemon_lime Huh, he was! I didn’t remember that part; just that he wanted to invent a sport they could play at the YMCA in winter.
@Mandy_Kerr @ravelry @_Caryn_S A little bit of column A, little bit of column B. 😉
When @knitterjp invites you to the pool, you say Yes! #summervibes
@knitterjp @mmastertheone Wait, what??
@_Caryn_S His is very interesting. Normally with a jumper like that there’d be a panel under the arms with a repeating pattern that’s adjustable. His doesn’t have that though – it’s like they’ve added in an entire separate cable for each size.
@_Caryn_S I’m definitely keen to test knit for a smaller size guy. I’ve done a similar style before: . That one uses a narrow cable under the arms that you repeat for the different sizes.
This is THE BEST. ❤️