@nswkidsguardian Is there some issue with your website? I have been trying to submit my WWC application for the past hour and it keeps timing out. I’ve tried multiple browsers and turned off extensions. Very frustrating!
@devdevcharlie Jesus, that’s awful. You should report him.
RT @phillip_webb: I seriously think devrel is the hardest gig in tech and I highly respect people that choose it as their profession.
Amy Discovers Jo’s AO3 Handle and Drags Her in the March Family Groupchat – The Niche – LOLLLL THIS IS AMAZING @minxdragon https://t.co/pgfIuxQuo0
Tapping out a Slack reply on my phone and have to lunge when my unattended shopping trolley nearly rolls into traffic. “And that…” the Snook drawls, “is why we don’t have a baby.” 😂
@kcm74 I’m supposed to go to Singapore in two weeks. I love Singapore, but I suspect airports are going to suuuuuck.
@andreasohlund @Indu_alagarsamy @danielmarbach I’m amused everybody thought it was a work message. These days I’m in a number of recreational Slack groups, and I was replying to a friend! So while we can blame connectedness, in this it wasn’t professional obligation.