Shared today on Twitter

Men friends – do you see this stuff too? Are these bots, or just another shitty part of being a woman on the Internet? You get followed by a guy with a weird name, only a few photos that look like a dating ad, and they are following hundreds of women. It just feels gross.

@mattgillard LOL. I only saw the one at first. 😂

And this isn’t a one off. It happens over and over. (I block them.)

I should say that I’m aware of the porn bots, and occasionally get those too. But most of these accounts feel more realistic. A shocking number of them are men in the military. I just… I dunno. Maybe this is legit how single men are trying to meet women these days?

@kcm74 I’ve seen more obvious bots… but sad middle-aged men? With no obvious linked scam? Maybe the idea is I engage and it turns into a Nigerian scam.

@randomknits YES, that too!

Hair of the dog what bit me. 🍻

OH at Sunday drinking: “So that was the year I had a ukulele…”

(That may have been from me. 😒)

Roasty. – Drinking an Elsie The Milk Stout by @BatchBrewCo at @BatchBrewCo —

@richbuggy I get those too, tbh. The middle aged men one is the outlier.

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RT @Grady_Booch: The Chief Of Staff of the US Air Force has directed a change to the lyrics of the Air Force song.

To a friend, we send a…

@randomknits AIN’T IT THE TRUTH.

RT @AU_JohnDw20: I got to carry the ‘g’ in glamazon for our Amazon float in the Sydney Mardi Gras parade last night. What a blast! https://…

RT @jillreports: I was sent to a Costco to see if people are stocking up (even though health officials say it’s not necessary) in case COVI…

I gave a talk at the NSW Weavers Guild a few years ago and left feeling a strong temptation to buy, like, twelve looms. Way geekier than any tech meetup I’ve ever been to! (I just don’t have the room in my house…)

@sevandyk Knitting and programming – a more crafter-oriented version of this one I did for tech conferences.

@steve_evil OMG 😂

@randommandelbot I like this one a lot.

RT @steve_evil: @web_goddess so the correct response here is *not* “OK Loomer”?