@gabehollombe Season 1 of VM is one of the best standalone seasons of TV ever. Quality thereafter gets a bit more variable, but I still love it.
@gabehollombe If you watch it, you’ll have to message me after each ep and tell me your predictions for the various mysteries. 🙂
@minxdragon @BugHunterSam Sam probably can’t pull it off, but I’m sure you and I could add “All y’all” to that list. 😜
RT @SchittsCreek: Catherine O’Hara was just live on Instagram and THIS is how she signed off. https://t.co/bexHLDmEyu
Just watched the #SchittsCreek finale and sobbed my eyes out, in the best way. I needed that. ❤️ Well done @danjlevy @annefrances @Realeugenelevy @olreid @emilyhampshire @PopTV @SchittsCreek 👏👏👏
Back to the Claudians…
Me: Who are these kids now? How many years have we jumped?!
Rodd (singing): They’re going to dooooo eeeeet… https://t.co/yEM5nvMxJF
Me: Julia’s making out with Abed!
Rodd: That’s Herod the younger. https://t.co/TUmxkz1zK1
That’s not a wolf… it’s a puuuuuppy! 🐺❤️ https://t.co/ToIJH2FFJk
Did she just grab Herod by the…? Yup. https://t.co/JanMRI9F3A
Perfect Pan Pizza, homemade by the Snook! (Recipe from @kenjilopezalt at @seriouseats.) ❤️🍕 https://t.co/zVYadEQelH
WAIT. He’s not Herod. I was misled! (He’s hot though. I see why Julia hit that.) https://t.co/knNFkovz9s
LOL. Bachelors are “murderers of their own posterity.” https://t.co/KCmsvtw1eE
ORGY PANFLUTE. https://t.co/KgPrCcTHU9
“Did you sleep with my daughter?” “Not… sleep.” 😂 https://t.co/LxUJRbBQSC
Now I’m getting bummed out by classical slutshaming. 🙁 https://t.co/Q3wDJ4Cdgs
Me: “LOL. Old Augustus looks like Boss Nass.”
Rodd: “He WAS Boss Nass!”
Me: “WHATTTTTT” https://t.co/nmKh4ei4H1
@unixbigot I feel like I did, a very long time ago, but I don’t remember much…
@unixbigot SAME!!
@darthted I’m as disappointed in myself as you are.
@darthted OH MY GOD we are now listening to the I Podius podcast and @hodgman just mentioned the Boss Nass thing. HOW DID I MISS THIS
@hannahyanfield It’s the series “I, Claudius”. It’s very long so we’re watching in bits. (Caligula does turn up later!)
@crankymate @darthted @hannahyanfield Ha. On the I, Podius podcast they talk about how there are an entire generation of us with that experience. 😂
Staying in this Autumn suddenly got a whole lot comfier… https://t.co/zpJnXosDcb
RT @HamillHimself: Red 5 standing by… https://t.co/dNs2xwWQTH
@sundress Yup. Ordered yesterday for delivery next week, but they turned up TODAY! https://t.co/UakADSwTq6
RT @FangirlTennant: Got myself dolled up and locked up in Quarantine. Still waiting for the rescue. https://t.co/Zi9zDrnsSl
@gilmae @hannahyanfield And live-tweeting it.