RT @AdiShavit: Mathematician and genius John Conway, inventor of The Game of Life has succumbed to COVID-19 today. What a terrible loss for…
Uh oh, finally one it got wrong! https://t.co/Ck37dqQ7RX
The Snook and I started exploring the possibility of moving overseas for a while. Yeah, that’s working out well for us now. https://t.co/xgBbehInef
@hannahyanfield I certainly hope so!
RT @glamoureptile: I’m not coming out of my cage nor am I doing just fine
Back to I, Claudius… and hey @hannahyanfield, baby Caligula just appeared! https://t.co/aIXQwzIqLY
@hannahyanfield “And only I knew that the number 17 upset him dreadfully…”
What. https://t.co/3Dovmi06q1
Rodd: “And who do you think stole Germanicus’s lucky charm?”
Me: “How should I know? Oh right. Evil little shit Caligula.” https://t.co/uqs8KpXUjf
Rodd: Is that… Nursie??
Holy crap, it is! Martina the Poisoner is Nursie from Blackadder! https://t.co/EAKRz5aAUx
I mean, who hasn’t thrown an orgy to celebrate the birth of a grandchild? https://t.co/yyrL5ZEwwU
Just a little Poisoner’s Book Club… https://t.co/Is1wh79CTY
RT @chadloder: Coronavirus has revealed that 40% of us can work from home without the world falling apart, and the other 60% should honestl…
Whoa. Real bummer of a way to end a dinner party – a tale of prostitution, bestiality, filth, obscenity, capped off with a stabbing. 😳 https://t.co/Y50AMaX3lF
Yay, it’s John Hurt! So creepy. Gifting porn to his uncle. 🤮 https://t.co/GQsFBXRpp0
Wow. Patrick Stewart is nailing Claudius’s sister, and got her to roofie her husband. Next step MURDER. (Ew, he’s super hairy!) https://t.co/a2o40o2272
I’ve been doing a rewatch of True Blood, and earlier today the Snook rolled his eyes at how silly and campy it was. I have now just pointed out the irony while watching “I, Claudius.” IT’S THE SAME. (He concedes the point.)
John Hurt is AMAZING and SO CREEPY. (That’s his great-grandma btw.) https://t.co/MQ49bfcFq2
RT @andrehenry: It’s like we’re living in Pride Rock when Scar took over
@hannahyanfield FINALLY!! ❤️
“Goodbye Grandmother…” Farewell Livia, Queen of Heaven! https://t.co/JKOeP0K2s1
@hannahyanfield BUT ROGER MOORE
Ned Kelly by Sidney Nolan. I can’t explain why – I just love it. https://t.co/IdQepz9X2u https://t.co/8Z1HXvhRNq
Me: Oh no. Tim Brooke-Taylor died of corona.
The Snook: …. Well, that’s bullshit. 😢 https://t.co/wqnq2S7KBA
@gilmae @hannahyanfield PatStew as Sejanus is giving him a run for his money tho…
@hannahyanfield @gilmae But did you SEE Roger Moore skiing down a hill to California Girls while being shot at by machine guns??
@hannahyanfield @gilmae And Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (both of which are from books by Ian Fleming!). #uselesstrivia
@gilmae @hannahyanfield Hand on heart, I woke up with Duran Duran’s “A View to a Kill” in my head and just made Spotify play it. Legit banger.