Shared today on Twitter

@gilmae @knitterjp And you know how I feel about that. 😐

RT @AnyTechnology: America has a pandemic problem so I solved it by making a gun:

RT @Feisty_Waters: 4 months, 5 rolls of thread, 1200ish buttons (you try to properly count all those buttons and get back to me) and a life…

@The_McJones I’ve got one. It involves getting rid of 50% of your possessions. Kind of a grind, but also super rewarding in the end. (I’m only half joking.)

@The_McJones Yes, exactly! Or you can use Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace or the dreaded Ebay, but each one takes a toll on your mental health.

@The_McJones YES. Ooh, I really like this idea of joy as the metric. Something you inherited from Grandma but you don’t actually want? Useless things that are personally meaningful? We might be onto something here.

My team leaving drinks was a virtual cocktail making class. It was so much fun. ❤️🍸🤗

Back to Highlander. This is some pretty impressive stuff for the 80s!

This makeup is both horrifying and awesome.

Suddenly realising where the Snook’s hoarding tendencies come from. Maybe I married an immortal.

For all the cool mythology of this, it intimately comes down to the fact that the bad guy defiled his old girlfriend and kidnapped his new one. 🙄

Forget all this. I want a comic book showing Rachel and Connor’s life together.

It’s not quite Star Wars, but I see what they were going for. It’s quite pretty.

“Is his head just gonna fall off?” YASSSS.

Me: “Is this it? I can see the wires.”

The Snook: “Shush. It was never meant to be in HD.”

RT @frankarr: @web_goddess Also still looking for someone to join my team 🔎👇

RT @deekob: And….. thats a wrap for Amplify Days from Australia and New Zealand !! – big shout out to my co-host @mattcoles87 and to the…